4 - soju and jenga

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jungkook had spent at least fifteen minutes trying to pick his clothes, before just going for pretty much the usual; a ripped jean and a white shirt. he didn't know why he was anxious, it had become normal for him and taehyung to hang out, why was tonight so special? he sighed, running a hand through his hair, giving up on trying to make them look better.

he checked up on yoongi one last time, covering him better with his blanket and left, locking the door behind him.

taehyung didn't live far from his block, maybe about a ten minutes walk if he walked at a fast speed.

it was about eleven when he arrived at his house, knocking on the door. he was shivering. his coat was a little more light than he thought it was.

he had barely knocked twice that the door opened and taehyung appeared in the door frame, a smile plastered on his face,

"hey kookie." he said softly as jungkook got in. he leaned down, quickly pressing his lips to his. no one was around and really, they didn't need to, but jungkook didn't complained. "give me your coat, you can just go in the living room, that's where the boys are. anything to drink?"

"such a gentleman." jungkook laughed. "but no, i'm fine, thanks."

he took his hand and they walked to the living room.

"what the fuck are you guys doing?" jungkook asked as soon as he saw namjoon, hoseok, jin and jimin sat in a circle on the ground, a few bottles of soju standing proudly right in the middle of the circle.

taehyung looked up as well, although he clearly knew what was jungkook looking at. "ah yes. that's truth or shots."


"it's like truth or dare, but we're all shit at finding dares and we're also all shit at telling the truth, so really, it's mostly an excuse to get drunk."

jungkook hummed. "so that's what you guys do on friday? play a fucked up kind of truth or dare like teenage girls?"

"yup. well, not always. almost never. but it happens. maybe too often. i don't know. we rarely remember anything after to be honest."

"so it's totally a bad decision to join you instead of sitting back and watching, right?"


"mkay, i'm doing it." he said, walking over to the guys and sitting on the ground as well. "do i have to know about weird behaviours when you guys are drunk before we start, or..?"

"jin does terrible jokes. worse than usual. puns that won't even make sense. namjoon starts dancing. hoseok gets naked, but we usually stop him before he does. jimin gets overly touchy and sometimes he cries." taehyung said casually.

"and what do you do?" jungkook asked, crinkling his nose. taehyung melted at how cute he looked.


"he gets horny." jimin declared. "are we starting now?" he asked as jungkook started at taehyung wide-eyed.

taehyung broke the eye contact with jungkook and he nodded vividly.

jungkook only stared in front of him, sighing. what the fuck has he gotten himself into? he didn't even know what he was like drunk.

aw shit.


really though, taehyung had said the truth. this really was only an excuse to get drunk. they had all been asked at least 4 questions each, and had every time took a shot, barely even considering telling the truth.

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