14 - one month anniversary

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after the charity thing, jungkook and taehyung hadn't spoken much. well they had, but not about it. not about the thing they should be talking about anyway.

taehyung carefully avoided the subject; taehyung had never once seen jungkook looking this fragile and he really didn't intend on letting anyone hurt him like that again. but he knew jungkook would be ashamed of it, even of just crying in front of him, so taehyung didn't say anything.

almost a week had gone by since then and things had gone back to normal. it was a thursday morning and both taehyung and jungkook had agreed to meet at the little cafe they used to go to more often before, and then they would head to school.

taehyung was in his room, standing up in front of his closet, his knees starting to go weak from being on his feet so long, not able to pick a fucking outfit. for some reason, this morning, he was nervous to see jungkook. these days, honestly, every fucking acts, moves, gestures, words were planned in advance. taehyung was getting paranoid; he was fearing that with any wrong thing he'd do, the younger would slip out of his hands and taehyung couldn't bear the sole idea of losing jungkook.

he looked over his clothes once more, picking out a random shirt along with some jeans. he put on his brown coat and a yellow scarf and he got outside.

finally, the weather was starting to get clement. sure, there was still wind, but it was more like a soft breeze and the sun had finally started shining again. he walked slowly, breathing deeply the fresh air, maybe ten minutes before he reached the cafe. he scanned the cafe with his eyes through the glass, spotting jungkook, already sat at a table, two coffees in front of him. taehyung smiled fondly, even only at the sight of him, and got in. he got a strand of hair out of his eyes, missing their past bright colour as he made his way to where jungkook was seated.

"hello!" he chirped and jungkook looked up at him with a smile.

"hey." he said, handing him a cup. "here you go, handsome." taehyung smiled back at him, taking the cup from his hand.

"well, aren't you in a good mood this morning?"

"hmm. today, it's been one month since we are officially a couple." the younger stated and taehyung's eyes widen.

"then happy anniversary, baby. maybe we should do something tonight? i could take you out to dinner and buy you flowers or something?"

"surprise me." jungkook said and taehyung was surprised he didn't even try to stop him from gifting him with something for once. "should we head out? since i ordered the coffees already, it's like 8:30, and don't you have a class at nine?"

"yeah, yes, i do, okay, let's go. i'm sorry, by the way, was i late, have you been waiting for long?" taehyung said as jungkook stood up, putting his coat on. taehyung held his hand out for jungkook to take it, which he gladly did. he smiled at the warm contact of his hand and they got out. "how was your morning anyway?" he asked as they were hit by the cold wind.

"it was alright. yours?"

"hmm, alright. wish i would've get to spend more time with you though. now i have to get through the day and i won't even have like a full hour with you." taehyung whined and jungkook laughed, squeezing his hand lightly.

"poor baby. we'll spend the evening together, hmm?"

"of course. i already started planning something five minutes ago." taehyung said and jungkook laughed again. they kept on walking for a few minutes, talking about everything and anything.

they finally arrived and they had to part ways. "then i meet you at mine tonight? you'll probably arrive before me anyway, right?"

"yeah, i'll be there." taehyung smiled and kissed him softly. "hmm, i'll see you tonight." jungkook muttered against his lips before walking away, a smile tugging at the corner of his own lips.

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