(23) Their Story

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Mari's POV

So who is SB?
Him & his friend SF are very old. I'll tell you the whole story when we close.

Andy is still sleeping, but looks like he might be ready to wake up soon. "Awwwwww, Mari is out of order." A little boy wine's. "Maybe she'll be out tomorrow." A girl says. "Okay parents," Denis says. "Time to gather up your children because closing time is approaching." He says. "Bye Mari, feel better." I hear a kid say & then the foot steps if them leaving. After a couple of minutes a knock is heard on the box. "Aph we're closed." The voice says. "Okay~!" She replies & opens the box, hopping out. "Everyone~" she yells over the noise. "Mari wants to tell us who SB & SF are~" she says after getting their attention. Everyone nods & sits at the biggest table. "After you~." Aph says. I take control & walk over to the table. "Okay so SB & SF we're the very first kids to ever be killed~"
Flash Back
So SB was killed first. He was never put in a suit so he ran free, but was trapped in the small Fazbear diner. One day while floating around the diner he saw a little girl. He thought she was beautiful, even though he was just 7 then. He decided that even though people couldn't see him that he would hang around the girl so he wouldn't be lonely. "Hi!" The little girl cheered. SB was so confused. He looked around & saw no one else was around. He pointed to himself & the girl did a little laugh. "Yes you silly." She said to him. "My name is ______. What's your name?" She asks SB. "Oh! My name is ____." He tells her. "How can you see me?" He asks. "What do you mean?" The girl questions with a confused look on her face. "Ima ghost." SB says. "No you're not." She says laughing. "I can prove it." SB says & runs in front of a sprinting kid. "____ WATCH OUT!" ______ yells to SB. The kid then ran directly through him. "How?" She says in disbelief. "I'm a ghost." SB says walking over. "Okay kids it's closing time, parents grab your children." Freddy says. "I have to go." The girl tells SB. "Promise you'll come back?" He asks. "I promise." She tells him & the lock Pinky's. "BYE!" She yells to him as she runs to her dad & out the door.
Day, weeks, months passed & she has visited him every single day & would stay as long as she could. The only problem was that everyday SB began to go a little more insane. He began to like the screams of children getting hurt & would laugh at their pain. She began to realize his sudden change & was worried. What happened to the friendly & caring ____ I use to know? She would think all the time. For a 6 year old she was very smart & knew something was wrong, that he wasn't the same each day. On the other end SB was becoming a prisoner of his own mind, letting his sanity slip from him a little more each day. The only thing that made him hang on the ounce of sanity that was left was her. Her laugh, smile, & annoying puns. He knew that she could see him becoming insane & it made him sad. He knew that they could never be together. That one day she would be 12 & to 'old' for this childish place. One day she couldn't take I any more & had to confront his insanity. "Ummm ____?" She asked as he stared off into space. "Yes?" He & shook himself back into reality. "You've been different lately." She says. "Yeah... I know." He replies. "Why?" She questions. "Huh?" "Why have you been changing?" She says repeating herself. "I don't know." He says standing up & getting off the chair he was sitting on. An idea then pops into his head. Why don't we have her stay with us forever? How would we do that? Isn't it obvious? His insane side asks. No I'm not gonna do that to her! Well if you don't, I will. "Ummm ____, how would you like to a at with me forever?" He asks. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Well I know a way that you can never leave & stay with me." He tells her. "Oh ___, I would love to!" She says & claps her hands together. Don't do this. Come on man she agreed. That's because she doesn't know that you want to kill her! Who cares she agreed. I d-. ___'s evil side then took over then lead her to the storage room. "What are we doing here?" She asks. "ThIs Is WhErE the MaGiC hApPeNs!" His evil side then took out a knife walking up to _____. "What are you doing ____?!" She yells. "Oh I'm not ___. I'm his insane side & I tink I'm going to kill you!" He yells & stabs her in the stomach. NOOO! He yelled from inside of his own head. STOP! He cried out. His evil side them stabbed her 5 more times. STOOOOOOP! He yelled & gained control again. "_____! I'm so so so sorry. I don't know what came over me &-" "It's okay." She tells him & coughs up some blood. "No it's not okay! You're dying & should be living a great life!" He yelled. "I'll be fine ___." She whispers. "No you're no- ____? ______?! _____! DONT LEAVE ME!" He yells, but it was too late she was gone. Tears began to form in his eyes. One rolled down His cheek & landed on _____. "My son." An old voice said. He then whipped his head around & saw no one. "I'm up here child." He then looked up to see a ghost of an old lady. "Who are you?" He asks. "That does not matter, I m here to make a deal with you." The lady tells him. "I will bring her back, but you both must live in the shadows of the more fortunate." She says to him. "The only way to escape is to turn a human evil & take over their body." The old lady tells him. "Do you except?" The lady asks. "I do."
Hey guys! I hope you loved this chapter. I know that I loved making this one. Anyway the person I recommend today is Dottie14.

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