(31) "She's-She's..."

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Aphmau's POV
Darkness. That's all can be seen when a voice whispers "Aphmau," and a ball of light starts to consume the darkness. I shield my eyes from the sudden bright light in hopes that it will die down. "Jessica?" Someone who sounds similar to Jason asks in disbelief. I move my hands away from my face and see that they're HUMAN hands. What? Looking up I then see a man with black hair and black eyes. "Jess!" He cheers running over to me and lifting me into the air. "Who are you?" I ask as he puts me back on the ground. I'm not singing every sentence? His smile turns into a frown. "It's Aaron, remember?" He asks. Aaron was Mari's boyfriend! "Sorry," I look down. "I'm not Mari." His face is full of confusion. "Then who are you?" I look him straight in the eyes. "I am the reincarnation of her heart." Aaron looks be right back in the eyes. "How do you know her?" He asks not dropping his gaze. I gulp. Time to tell him. "I share an anamitronic body with her." "What?" He asks immediately after. "More children have been killed." The sadness leaks from his body and makes the never ending yellow around us turn blue. Woah. I reach out to touch just something only for my arm to fall back to my side. "How did you get here?" Aaron asks. Turning my focus back on him I shrug. "I just went unconscious and poof! Now I'm here." By the look on his face I can tell he doesn't believe me. "Are you a hologram from heaven again trying to trick me into going there?" He asks in the mist serious voice. "What?" That's when he starts thinking aloud. "Well I just picked her up so she can't be a hologram," he starts pacing back and forth. "She could just be someone who was made to look like her." Deep in thought he doesn't even notice what's in front of him and walks into me. "Are you okay?" I ask helping him off the floor. "Yes I am." He starts to pace around again when I ask, "If you're Aaron and this isn't heaven, then why are you here?" He stops walking and sits on the ground patting the floor next to him. Not wanting to be impolite I walk over and sit next to him. "When I can here about 3 or 4 years ago I refused to go into heaven without Jess," He waves his hands in the air and images appear. "So I told God that I was not going to heaven until she got here." An image of Aaron and a man talking appears. "He told me that if that was what I wished then I should stay here." An image of Aaron flying away from the gates of heaven appears. "What is here exactly?" I ask. He chuckles. "This is what is between Earth and heaven." He throws his hands in the air causing the images to disappear. "Every couples months though God sends someone here to try and convince me to go to heaven." I nod. "So you're really here because you went unconscious?" He asks. I nod yes again. He stands up and so do I. "There has to be another reason." He says. Pain shoots through my stomach area again. "Ah!" I scream in pain sitting back on the ground. "What was that?" Aaron asks walking over. "I don't know," I say. "This is the reason why I passed out." He looks down at my stomach and smiles. "I think I know why you're here."

"Okay everyone leave we are closing early!" I hear a voice echo through the halls. They never close early. I think. "Huh?" Galaxy questions. "We should go check that out." She nods turning into a shadow. I do the same and follow her out the door and to the party room. Everyone was getting pushed out the Pizzeria by the staff. "What happened?" I whisper to SF. "I don't know," she says. "I haven't seen this happen since that accident back in 83." She adds. My eyes suddenly go wide. "It couldn't have happened again could it?" I ask. We then run around the main party room seeing if there is any blood. We meet back at pirates cove out of breath. "Find anything?" I ask. "Nope." Relieved we take a seat at one of the booths. "Okay now the boss said that we can go home." The.....someone says. All the employees leave having the last person out the door to lock it. "Where is everyone?" I ask myself aloud. "APHMAU! APHMAU WAKE UP!" I hear that kid Andy yell from the storage room. "I think I know where they are." Galaxy says dashing for the storage room. "JOEY WHATS WRONG WITH HER?!?" We hear Andy yell again as we reach the door. "I-I don't know-ow." A terrified Joey responds. Opening the door everyone looks at us. "What happened?" I ask. "She just collapsed and lost consciousness when we placed her on the table~" Jason says in a worried tone. "I got this." Galaxy says grabbing a wrench and walking over to her. She begins to look at Aphmau's arms. "Do you know what part of her might have gotten damaged?" She asks. Jason hesitates but then says "She was mumbling something about her stomach being in pain~." SF's eyebrows raise. "In pain?" She asks unsure of if she heard him right. He nods. Turning around she looks him dead in the eyes. "Robots can't feel pain." She says. "And they can't feel love either but look at us now~." He points some of them holding hands and hugging, even some of them get a small peck on the forehead every now and then. "And we're not all robot~." He adds. Nodding, she turns back to Aphmau and starts to look at her stomach when she drops her wrench on the ground. The whole room goes silent. "No, no, no, no." She begins to shake her head in disbelief while backing away from her. "What is it?" I ask. "This can't be happening!" She shouts. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" She screams and runs into my arms. "What is it Galaxy?!?" I ask holding her. "She's- she's....
Hey guys! I hope you loved this chapter. It's a lovely cliff hanger don't you think? 😂😂😂 Just wait until next chapter to see what happens next.

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