(54) Another Memory

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Jason's POV

"Aph~?!" My eyes go wide.
"Not again~!"
Turning around, I cup my hands around my mouth.
"SF~! GET IN HERE NOW~!!" I yell to the only qualified person here.
"What is it?" She asks, emerging out of a shadow.
"Aph, she~-" I cut myself off as SF grabs my arm.
"Pick her up and bring her to Parts and Service. Now!" I nod and pick up my loves lifeless body.
"She's going to be fine~ She's just having a baby~" I remind myself while entering the main party room.
"What be wrong with Aphy?" Kat asks.
"Baby~" Her eye triples in size as I run past her.
"Everyone to Parts and Service!" She yells.
I throw open the door and carefully set her down on the metal table.
"Someone get me some oil!" SF commands.
She then pulls up a wrench and undoes one of the bolts.
"Here!" Andy tosses an oil can to SF who isn't paying attention.
I quickly jump in front of her and catch it.
"Thanks." She says, not looking up.
"No problem~" I place the oil can next to her.
She picks it up and starts to put it into a tube that she pulled out of Aphmau's arm.
"SCREWDRIVER!" Joey throws it to her and she catches it with our even looking.

Maybe she was paying attention before.

"Joey, get a wrench and come help me over here." SF tells him.
He runs over, wrench in hand.
"Her leg is leaking again." They both start to work on Aph's leg.
After they open it up you can see the oil spilling out of the once patched tube.
"Damn!" SF shouts and starts to loom around the room.
"You!" She points to Denis.
"Me?" He asks.
"Yes you! Get over here!"
Denis shuffles over and SF hands him the screwdriver.
"You help Joey with her leg." He nods, taking the screwdriver.
"You! Mangle!" Uta steps forward.
"Help me with her stomach!"
They start getting to work.

Denis and Joey patch her broken tube again pretty quickly and start helping SF and Uta with Aph's stomach. It takes maybe ten minutes for then to get everything unbolted.

I hope Aph and the baby will be okay.

Aphmau's POV

Everything's black. It feels like my eyes are closed, but they're wide open.

"You should be spending more time with me and the girls!" My mom's voice cuts through the silence.
"Sorry that I'm working hard to provide for my family!" Dad yells back.

The darkness fades into a different type of darkness. This new darkness is my bedroom.
My small hands reach up to my face and rub my eyes.
"Clairebear." I whisper.
"Shhhhh. It's okay Aphy. Go back to sleep." She tells me.

"You love your work more than you love me!" Mom shouts.

"Why are Mommy and Daddy talking so loudly?" I ask.
"No reason at all. Just go back t-"

"I'M LEAVING!" Mom screams.
"You're not taking the girls!" Dad tells her.
"Not now, but I will come back for them!"

The loud talking stops and it sounds like someone is stomping.
Afraid it's a monster, I hide under the covers.
The door slams open.
I peak put from under my blanket to see mom standing there. I can't make out her features, but I can tell that she's crying.
"Mommy, what's wrong?" I ask, fulling pulling my blankets off my head.
She comes over and sits in the chair between mine and Claire's beds.
"Mommy is....going on vacation." She smiles.
"Once everything is ready she'll come back and get you two!" I clap my hands together.
She turns to Claire who has tears running down her cheeks.
"It'll be okay sweety." Mommy whispers and kisses her on the head.
"Mommy will he back soon and then we'll have tons of fun! I promise!" I giggle as she stands and walks to the door.
"Now go to sleep girls; or you'll be too tired to play in the morning." I nod my head super fast and close my eyes.
"Goodnight girls." Is the last thing I hear before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Mom never came back after that day. I would always stay up super late and wake up super early so j wouldn't miss her. She didn't show up though.
As days turned to months and months to years, I would slowly wait for her less and less.
Claire had given up hope after the first week, but I wanted to believe that she would stick to her word. It's not that I didn't like Dad, it was just that she made me a promise.

"Is Mom ever going to come?"
Today was one of the few days that I had managed to talk Claire into sitting with me.
"I don't know Aphy." She ruffles my hair.
"It's been over a year now, almost two. Maybe his safe to say that she isn't coming back for us." I nod.
"Girls! Dinner is done!" Dad shouts from inside.
"Coming!" Claire yells back.
"Just...consider it." She says before standing up off the porch and walking inside.

By now I was only going outside to wait maybe two days a week.
Dad also knew the exact reason behind why I did so and never seemed to mind. Every time I came back in he would always ask the same question.
Shaking the thoughts away, I stand and enter the house.

"Did you see your Mother today?" Dad asks.
I shake my head.
"Maybe she'll be here tomorrow."
I could see the sorrow hidden behind his fake smile.
"I don't think I'm gonna wait tomorrow." I frown and walk into the kitchen, taking a seat at the table.
"Don't be so down sweetheart. Tommie is another day." He tells me as he sits down across from me.

It was quiet hard to even remember what Mom looked like because Dad never kept any pictures of her. She also left when I was pretty young.
Soon those blurry memories faded completely and it was almost like she was never even here. But it away felt like something was missing; like there was a piece of me that got torn away when she never showed.

I still didn't know where my Mom was when I was alive.
I never looked for her or even considered where she could be.
For all I knew she could have made a new family and forgotten us. Even if I wasn't always think about her, in my heart, I felt that she wasn't there. She never even actually said bye. She just abandoned her children. I'm almost positive she never said 'I love you' before she left either.
It doesn't really matter anymore..... I guess.

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