Part 2- Gym Class

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Gym Class

     "Kacy I really don't like him! We met like thirty minutes ago!" I say as I roll my eyes, and as we run around the track. "Sure you don't!" Kacy laughs and nudges my arm. "Just-" I get cut off by Kacy, "cute guy...bye!" She giggles running over to a random upper class-men. I sigh, "she can never learn!" I giggle watching her flirt with the random guy. I shake my head. Now I have to run laps alone like a Complete loser.

     I feel a tap on the back of my shoulder, I turn around and to my great eyes, its AssBoy! So great. "Oh uh hello there!" I smile softly, looking over at him. "Hey, there mental girl!" He winked at me, with a laugh. "Oh, I see where you are going AssBoy!" I laughed as well. "Heh, good what's up?" he asked fixing his messy hair. "The sky AssBoy." I joked around with him. "Well I would have said something more like the roof, but the sky is an amazing choice as well," he laughs. I laugh as well, "that's great." I look over at him.

     After a while, we talked about stupid shit, and people we don't like, it was kinda fun. "Thanks for walking the track with me Ass boy!" I smirked. "Well your ducking welcome for making your day wonderful with my blessings," he joked pushing me playfully. "I wouldn't go that far, AssBoy." I giggled. "Why do you keep calling me AssBoy?" he asked looking over at me. "Cuz I can..." I say as I roll my eyes. "Oh sure it is," he laughed. "So I forgot to ask...why are you guys in our class?" I ask tilting my head. "...well uh...what about you ask Vicky...she should know really well," he laughed. I nod my head, "I will definitely not ask her!" I smirk.

     Soon, Mr. Apple calls us into the locker rooms so we can get changed into our regular clothes. "Well see you later?" I say turning to Calvin. "Yeah...bye," he smiles and nods his head bye. I rush into the locker rooms before it gets full of the girl's hairspray. After I got done changing, I wait on the bottom bleachers for Kacy to come out of the locker rooms. Soon Kacy comes skipping over to me, "guess what Calvin said to me!" She giggles. "What? That he wants to be in your pants?" I say rolling my eyes. "Noooooo...heheh!" she says biting her lip. "Well, then what was it, woman!" I growled. "Well since your being mean I won't tell you." she gives me a look. I roll my eyes, "whatever...." for the fact that she's not telling me what he said is getting to my head because I really want to know!

     "Kacy, go ahead tell Haden what I said!" Calvin spoke as he pokes Kacy. "H-huh!? Oh well, maybe you should tell her! Heheheh, okay bye! I'll be in the car Haden!" Kacy laughs softly, running out to her car. I look over at Calvin, "tell me, now!" I yell. "Eh..." he smirks and grabs my shoulders. He bites his lip looking at me, "I want to be in you," he moans jokingly. I didn't really get the jokingly part of his sentence, "W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I yell at him. "Yo chill! ITS JUST A PRANK BRO!" he laughs. " are a fucking ass!" I growl walking away. "Oh wait!" He runs over to me, "here's my number!" he smirks. "Yeah...thanks!" I nod, running out to Kacy's car.

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