Part 29- Night Time Worries

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Night Time Worries

     My stomach turns as I put down the pictures. "This can't be happening..." I whisper to myself.

     Quickly throwing myself out of the bed, unlocking the door, and then running down the stairs, practically jumping into Calvin's arms. Our eyes met, we stare blankly into each other's eye for what seems to be lasting for ages. My heart sinks looking at the major concern in his eyes as he stares back into mine. My mouth opens, but nothing seems to come out.

     "Haden? What's wrong?" He asks with concern. I can basically feel his heart pounding out from his chest and onto my skin.

     My mouth becomes dry as I begin to speak softly, scared that he might be watching us right at this very moment. I nod as I begin to speak, "yes, something is...very wrong." I feel sweat drip down my forehead, I've never gotten this nervous in for what seems like years.

     His look becomes very serious, "well...tell me!" He laughs softly, trying to lift the mood of concern, sadness, and a bit of anger that is flowing around us.

     "Okay, okay!" I sigh, trying to work up the courage. I shake my head, before looking down at the floor, I just can't work myself up to telling him.

     He clears his throat, I feel his strong graze looking down on me, and it makes me calmer. "Haden..." he says softly, almost like a whisper, putting his soft touch on my chin moving my face to level with his. "I know you...and something is super wrong with you."

     I let out a small sigh of defeat while looking at his face, "yeah...well," I take a small pause to gulp my heavy spit, "well, you know my creepy stalker ex, right?" I pause waiting for his answer.

     "Yes," he nods for me to carry on with my little story. His faces start changing from calming smiles to a very serious graze.

     "Okay, well all these letters I have been getting are from him..." I wait to see if he has anything to add, but he just waits for me to finish, so I continue. "And this letter–which you have to me today–had pictures of he was in the house!" I start to raise my voice from my anxiety.

His face is almost pure red from anger, "I'm calling the fucking cops!" He basically yells, pulling out his phone from his back pants pocket.

I take a deep breath, "that's smart..." I say with a bit of sarcasm. I mean, he tried to kill me and he was sentenced as mentally unstable, but yet you only lock him up in a mental hospital for about seven years, then you let him out! I still have trust issues with the judicial system in a whole.

He shoves his phone back into his jean pocket, "well any other ideas?!" He yells at me. I roll my eyes watching him have ones of his temper tantrums.

"Yeah, maybe you could shut up?" I roll my eyes, putting my arms next to my sides. I watch him start pacing around, he clearly is pissed off about my little comment.

Quickly, he turns to face me, "Haden, are you fucking bipolar?! Like really, you where all sweet and shit, until I think of doing the reasonable answer to this fucking problem!" He raises his voice even louder then before. I've never saw him this anger before! To be honest, it reminds me of Hank whenever he got drunk...and it kind of scares me a bit.

       I stand there looking at him, I don't know what to say back to him.

     "A-and you always get like this! I try to help, but you always push me away! ITS GETTING FUCKING ANNOYING AS SHIT, HADEN!" He coughs, pushing me by the shoulder.

     I clench my fist, I can't just stand here letting him yelling at me like this! "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME RIGHT NOW? THIS IS FUCKING STUPID! YOUR FUCKING STUPID! FUCKING GOD DAMNIT!" I scream pushing him by the chest. I'm acting like a legit brat right now, but I'm starting to lose all my temper with him.

     He takes a deep breath closing his eyes, trying to relax himself. "I'm not even gonna argue with you..." he says in a low angry voice, I can tell he is very pissed at me. "You do what you want to with this situation, have fun," he growls walking out of the house, leaving me alone...all alone.

     My heart sinks, as I walk back upstairs and across the hallway to my bedroom. I turn the doorknob, opening the door and I walk into the room, but something seems off. While looking around, I see that the pictures of me where gone. My breaths become shorter and shorter.

Someone was in the room...
Someone is in the house...

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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