Part 5- A Drunkie

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A Drunkie

     I shut my bedroom door behind me, I also locked the door behind me. I sigh, laying down onto my bed. I get out my phone and start to play a game that I just needed to have, worst $.99 I have ever spent. Oh look, Calvin just text me. If it's a dick pic...I swear.

AssBoy: 'yoooooooooooooooooo'
Me: 'hello? 😂'
AssBoy: 'I need you tao cown over'
Me: 'on a scale of 1-10 how drunk are u?'
AssBoy: 'cow'
Me: 'I'll be right over...'
AssBoy: 'bring ur sexy gacew'
Me: '....I'll bring a cow'
AssBoy: '...a sexy cow?'
Me: 'sure...'
AssBoy: 'wove chu'

I roll my eyes, "this is gonna be interesting" I chuckle. I open my window, "fuck I hate this..." I whisper. I jump down into the bushes, "ah, fuck!" I whisper-yell to myself.

Soon I get to Calvin's house, it was a pretty nice house to be honest. I knock on the door, and then wait for someone to answer. The door opens up, and I was greeted by the great AssBoy! He practicality fell on top of me when he opened the door. "Let's get you to sit on the couch," I laugh, helping him over to his couch. He sits down, "sooooooooooooooo!?" Calvin asks me. "So what?" I ask with a confused look. "My sexy cow! Duuuuh!" Calvin laughs. "Yeah I'll get you coffee..." I roll my eyes, going into his kitchen. "Where's your coffee shit?" I ask Calvin, I don't know what I was expecting his reply to me was going to be, because he's drunk as shit right now. "In my ass!" Calvin laughs. "Thanks, your a great help" I giggle, looking for his coffee shit. Soon, I found the coffee stuff, and I made Calvin and I a cup of coffee.

I gave Calvin the cup, and we watch a movie, drinking our amazing coffee. Calvin puts his arm around me and he pulls me closer to him. I'm only letting him do this, because he's drunk as shit. "Screw getting sober!" Calvin laughs, getting up off of the couch. I watch him get out a few beers and other drinks. "Ehh...but there's school tomorrow..." I sigh. "Nah we have school today" Calvin laughs handing me a beer. "Why not..." I laugh, opening the bottle.

Calvin and I start to drink so much beer, but it is really fun. I feel like a can be myself around him. "So what do you want to do?" Calvin asks, and he is super drunk. I burp, "I don't know bro!" I laugh after me burp. Calvin laughs as well, "I can burp better!" He smirks, burping. "Oh nah-uh!" I start burping. We both are just sitting on a couch, burping...what a great way to spend the night! After a couple minutes of burping we start to drink more. We drink beer, vodka, whiskey, whatever is in Calvin's parents alcohol cabinet. We start to drink a lot, and my head starts to pound.

I groan, grabbing my head, "C-Calvin, can I stay the night?...please?" I ask looking over at him. "Eh, why not!" Calvin laughs, standing up to his feet. He held his hand out, for me to take. I take his hand, and we walk into his room. When we walk in his room I shut the door behind us. "You know what I wanna do with you?" Calvin laughs. I wink, "oh course I know exactly what you wanna do!" I giggle. He pushes me onto the bed, and smirks. I'm clearly not thinking straight, it's probably all the vodka speaking. I bit my lip, pulling him on top of me, I go to whisper in his ear, " OVER WATCH?!" I scream.

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