Part 26- Nothing But Trouble

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Nothing but Trouble

After about what seems to be three hours listening to Franky rambling about her life, and why you should follow her life choices, it was pretty much 1:35 in the morning. I grumble watching Calvin walk up the stairs to his bedroom. I really hope my plan works. Before I can't even get off from the couch, Franky pulls me over in her direction, "don't even think about sleeping with Calvin tonight, you little bitch," Franky almost yells at me. I roll my eyes, yanking away my hand from hers, "why do you think I would do that?" I ask with a small smirk. This is super immature for me, but she is acting like a legit two year old right now.

"Because if you can't tell, I don't like you and my son dating," she takes a deep breath, "well, see you in the morning you little slut!" she huff walking up the stairs to my room. I bite my lip and make my hands into fists, you wanna call me a slut, then your gonna get a slut. I smirk sitting on the couch, just you wait Franky, just you wait. I really want to do a evil laugh, but Calvin is going to yell at me if I do, so I do a evil laugh in my mind.

I watch the clock hit 2:30, and I start to sneak upstairs, and into Calvin's room. Awe, he's so cute when he sleeps...time to wake his lazy ass up now!

Crawling into bed next to him, I start to cuddle him, "Cal-Cal, wake up!" I whisper yell into his ear. I hear him groan, turning over to face me, "Haden what the hell?" he asks in a confused tone. "I want you to fuck me," I say in a very, very, very blunt way. I see his eyes widen, and he looks at his phone, "you do know it's 2:44, right?" he asks with a slight laugh. "Yes, now fuck me!" I whisper with slight annoyance in my voice. "Are you good? you need mental help?" he chuckles rubbing the back of his head.

I roll my eyes, "yes I do," I smirk pulling him on top of me. "Well then!" he laughs, pulling me into a kiss. I feel like I don't deserve this, because the only reason why I want to have sex with Calvin right now is all because of his mom thinking I'm a slut. Even though I can be a slut–sometimes–I still don't like being called one. It just feels unladylike to me.

{I'm skipping over all this smut, bitch I don't have time to explain how he puts his penis in her vagina. Go be a furry to find out, DOOD JOKES. ALL JOKES I SORRY IF I TRIGGERED YOU.}

I rub my chilled nose, as my eyes flutter open from the shining sunlight that's beaming in through the windows. I turn my head to the side to see a wild Calvin, cuddling his pillow with a big smile on his face. He's super cute looking right now, and he looks so peaceful. It would be a real shame if someone woke him up right now.... "CALVIN YOU ARE A HOE!!!" I laugh into his ear.

He pops his head up into the air, "I KNOW!" he yells back at me, then putting his head back down to go back to sleep. "Okay damn," I chuckle softly to myself. Rolling over to look for my phone, I shortly realize that I left it downstairs on the couch.

Pulling myself out of his bed, I put on some my clothes from last night and I walk downstairs. I look over the couch, but I can't find my phone. Taking a deep breath to hold back my worried cries, I turn to walk over to the kitchen. I walk into the small kitchen and start looking, frantically for my phone. My heart beats faster because when I look through my school bag, my phone is no where to be found. Just my luck.

Then someone clears their throat from behind me. They scare me and they make me jump, and I turn around to face... Franky. "Franky what the hell? You almost scared me to death," I give out a fake laugh.

Franky rolls her eyes, tossing me my phone. I almost dropped it, but Franky is super lucky that I didn't. "Why did you have my phone?" I ask shakily, because I'm seriously about to punch her right in the face.

"I had your phone, because I just wanted to see if you where being a even bigger hoe," she freezes for a moment, "by the way...Steven texted you..." She huffs, walking up the stairs, before I could even say a word. I look down at my phone, and open up my text messages with Steven. Me and Steven haven't talked since we broke up like a year I have no idea what he wants from me...

Steven🖕🏻: Hayden!
Me:'s spelled Haden you ass cracker...

He responds straight away, which is very unlike him. I know he wants something from me...

Steven🖕🏻: auto correct, sorry 😒
Me: what do you want?
Steven🖕🏻: I want you. NOW.

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