Part 6- Whamp

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      Calvin looks down at me, "w-well that's not what I had in mind....BUT I LOVE FUCKING OVER WATCH!!!" He yells, rolling off of her. He puts on Over Watch, and we start playing it. We are killing it for two drunk kids. "CALVIN YOU GOT FIVE KILLS OH MY GOOD!" I scream hugging him bye his neck. As I am hugging him he throws the controller and starts kissing me. We are drunk as hell and I just start to kiss him back. I look at Calvin when some starts to speak over the head set, "yo bro...are you making out? Haha, GET IT!" the guy starts laughing. Calvin unplugs his headset and takes it off. Calvin chuckles, pushing me into a laying position.

     I bit my lip, pulling him onto me. We start to make out. He starts taking off his hoodie. "Whoa... calm down AssBoy," I say dramatically "save that for next time." I wink at him. He chuckles, "hey! I know you like it," he says as he starts to kiss me again. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. He starts to take off my pants, and shirt. So glad I wore clean underwear today. I take off his shirt and his jeans.

     The next thing I know I am waking up. I don't remember anything about last night. I rub my eyes and look around me. I take out my phone and look at myself. I groan, seeing I have a hickey! Of course, I'm not in my fucking room and there is some one next to me. And I'm fucking NAKED. I Snapchat Kacy and see if she is knows anything.  Kacy replies after a minute, she was in the third period. Kacy's Snapchat literally said to send her the picture of the guy. My stomach turns, as I look over. "No...oh my fuck...fuck..." I whisper. I am starring right at Calvin, and he was naked as well! Just my luck. I lay down on my side, trying to get my memories back from last night.

     Soon, Calvin rubs his eyes. "Ugh..." he groans. He rolls onto his stomach, and he brushes against my arm. "W-what the hell?!" he yells, sitting up on his bed. I sit up as well, covering myself. "....hi...." I say softly, blushing a bright red. "HOW THE FUCK?! WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he screams, grabbing his underwear and pants, putting them on. He flips his hair out of his face, looking at his phone.

     "Take your clothes.." he growls, acting like this is all my fault that we had sex. He throws me my clothes. I sigh, putting on all my clothes, "why are you so mad? This was all an accident," I say as I look down. He walks over to me, "I know it's not your fault, but I just can't let anyone find out about this!" he starts to stress out, and so do I. "Do you think I want anyone to find out about this as well?! I mean stop thinking about your self and see what could happen to me?! HANK IS GONNA KILL ME...oh god...DID WE USE A CONDOM?!" I scream. Calvin's eyes widen, "shit...." he starts looking around the room. I also start to look.

      We both look over at each other, "I couldn't find one..." I say shaking. Calvin sits on the ground and puts his hand on his face. "Calvin?..." I say softly, walking over to him. "I couldn't find one either," Calvin almost looks like he is about to cry. "Shit..." I sigh, sitting down on his bed. "How could this get any worse?" I say. "Well... I kinda have a girlfriend." Calvin says under his breathe. "WHE-WHET WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!" I yell. Calvin gets up, "WELL I DIDN'T THINK I WAS GONNA FUCK YOU!" Calvin yells at me. "W-...well..." I sigh bitting my lip. I had absolutely no words to say to him. "I-I gotta go," I say storming out of the room crying. "Haden, wait!" I hear while leaving.

     I get into my car, I don't feel like talking to him right now. "Haden!" Calvin screams running up to my car. "S-Stop Calvin," I stutter, "I-I  gotta go." I sigh. Calvin knocks on my window, and I roll it down. "Please..." Calvin sighs, "don't go.." I shake my head, "sorry, b-but no," I sigh, rolling my window up. I start driving away. I look in my mirror and I see him starting to cry. I keep driving back to my house. I really don't want to see or talk to Hank, so I'm hoping my mom is home, and he's not.

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