Part 27- Stalker

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     Anger and rage starts taking control of me, why does he want to see me? He tried to kill me in my sleep, and I'm starting to think I should of let him. He gives me the creeps, I mean, I got a restraining order–but–I'm just over thinking things.

    A small sigh of anxiety creeps out of my lips. I walk over to the bottom of the stairs, and I look up. Franky and I have a small moment of time just starring at each other. It made me feel even more awkward.

"What?" Franky snaps at me.
"Oh...uh, nothing," I sigh, watching Franky walking away from the top of the steps.

I'm just puzzled about why she was standing at the top of the steps. Why was she there? I shake off my question, and just walk up stairs and into Calvin's room. I let out a huge sigh and relief and anxiousness, before plopping down onto his bed. Man, I forgot how fluffy and soft his bed comforts in my state of anxiety.

Calvin cans walking into the room. He just got out of the shower, his hair was still wet, and even more messier than what it usually is. I let out a small giggle looking over at him, he has a weird face on his look that he only makes when he is super cold. "Awe lil Calvin is cold!" a soft snort escapes from my lips.

"Lil miss American pig," he rolls his eyes while he walks further in his room.
"That hurts man...that hurts!" I say.
"Well you can suck my asshole!" He jokes pulling out one of his dressers doors, looking for a clean t-shirt.

Another sigh runs out from my lips, "hey Calvin?" I ask.
"Huh?" He asks turning to face me.
"W-well...I got a–uh...text...a text from my ex, heh that rhymes." I say trying to lighten the mood. For a few seconds there is complete silence, I just know that he is burning with anger. Then finally he speaks, "oh...okay! Uh. What's their name?" He laughs trying to not make it obvious that he wants to kill my ex.

"His name is Steven, but..." I let out a small sigh, "he's not a normal ex...he's more like a creepy stalker that wants me by myself."

     He raises an eyebrow, "bitch whet?" he lets out a quick laugh.

     "Now...don't flip out, but he tried to kill me." I wait for him to say something, but there is silence, so I keep talking. "When we broke up, he snuck into my house at three o'clock, and tried to stab me. Luckily, Zac was there and he scared Steven away."

     He lets out a sigh of anger, "I hate him already..." he growls.
     I gulp, "it's fine...I have a restraining order on him." I say with a cheerful smile, which usually puts a smile onto his face. To my dismay he doesn't smile.

     "Haden, the law can't always help with crazy stalkers...he can still hurt you," he says with nervousness running throughout his shaky voice.

     I gulp hardly, "oh...I didn't really think about t-that," I sigh, while tears start forming in my eyes.

     He pulls me into a tight hug that makes me feel about two thousand times better about my current situation. I never want this hug to end.

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