Part 14- Smashing Hearts

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Smashing Hearts

     My hands start to shake, and I drop Kacy's letter. I get out my phone, and call her mom. "Pick up...oh god please pick up!" I mumble to myself when the phone is dialing. "Hello, Haden? You never call me, oh god what did Kacy do now?" Kacy's mom sighs. "K-Kacy is gone! She just go-got up and left!" I start to freak out, "a-and I can't call the police and say it's a missing person because it hasn't been 24 hours yet!" I basically scream. "...oh dear. I'm going to get the next flight out of Boston, and I'll be home as fast as I can, just stay at home and keep a watch out for Kacy!" she says in a rush. "O-okay..." I sigh and hang up.

     This is so childish of Kacy, but I can't be mad at her. I just can't be! I call Calvin, "pick up your damn phone before I ki-" I get cut off by Calvin saying hello through the phone, "hello?" Calvin asks. "YEAH HEY! I'M GREAT, YOU ARE AS WELL THAT AMAZING!" I yell. "Wow chill your tits! What's wrong?" Calvin chuckles. "...Kacy's gone," I say bluntly, and clearly. "Yeah I'm coming over," Calvin sighs, hanging up on me. I sigh, "please get here fast..." I groan, walking downstairs. I sit on the couch, and look at my phone. Why did Kacy leave? I think to myself.

     I hear the door open and close. I jump off the couch, and turn to the door. I run over to Calvin that just walked into the house. I embrace him in a hug, and I start to cry. "This is all my fault," I whisper into Calvin's chest. Calvin holds onto me, "no it's not.." he sighs softly, looking down at me. I look up at him, and he wipes my tears away from my cheeks. I roll my eyes, and pull away from the hug, "this is my fucking fault! You don't understand this is all my fucking fault!" I scream at Calvin. "How the fuck is this your fault?!" he yells back at me. "Every fucking thing that I did," I sigh making a fist. "That's the most stupid answer I have ever heard," he grunts, crossing his arms, "tell me..why the fuck do you think this is all your fault?" he asks in a super cocky voice. I start to get flaming with anger at Calvin, because I snap at him, "I MADE HER THINK THAT I ACTUALLY LOVED YOU!" I scream at the top of my lungs, "BECAUSE I DON'T LOVE YOU AND I NEVER WILL YOU FUCKING ASS! THATS WHY SHE LEFT! BECAUSE SHE ACTUALLY B-BELIEVES THAT I WOULD EVER LOVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" My heart breaks after I say that. I want to take it back, but when we find Kacy, I want Calvin to hate me, so I can start to hate him as well.

     Calvin stands there, his cocky smile turns to a broken frown, "o-....o-okay..." he can barely say a word to me. I know I hurt him so much, but why would he care? He's dating Kacy, and he loves her. He does love her...right?

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