Part 4- Party Gone Wrong

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Party Gone Wrong

     A few hours pass, and this party is pretty amazing, but I can't let Kacy be a whore at her own party. I stand in a corner next to the stairs waiting for Kacy to go up with one of the f-boys. To my surprise Kacy was actually dancing with some of her friends. I smile, and go walk around for a bit.

     After literally ten minutes of me being gone, I couldn't find Kacy dancing with her friends, and there is a fight going on. Just my luck! Even more people I have to look after. I walk over to the fight, and to my surprise it was Calvin and some other dude, that looks like he is 90 years old. I mean the fight looks harmless, they are just pushing each other around, a couple of fist thrown, and a lamp has been thrown.

     WAIT! LAMP THROWN?! Oh god it's broken, Kacy is gonna kill me! Then the actual fight starts to happen. Actually fuck my life. I make a fist and walk behind Calvin, and I grab him by his hoodie. "Get the fuck over here!" I growl, pulling his drunken ass to the floor. "Hey!" Calvin yells, "what the hell!" He says looking up at me. The other guy starts to laugh, "brought your mom to the party mate?" Calvin growls, "no I fucking didn't, you ass" I roll my eyes, "I can beat your ass like your mommy does!" I yell at the guy. "Try me bitch," the guy grinds his teeth together. "Oh you did not ju-" I get cut off by Calvin dragging me away into the basement, were all the light weights where passed out.

     "I wanna beat his ass, he's a fucking ass I fucking hate him, can a kill him?!" I start to freak out about the guy to Calvin. "Dude chill out, he's just a ass that wants to get into every girl's pants. He's not worth the fighting," Calvin rolls his eyes. "So why where you fighting him?" I smirk, while I poke Calvin's black eye. "Okay ow, and he was trying to get into your friend's pants," Calvin rolls his eyes. "KACY'S PANTS HE WANTED TO FUCK MY BEST FRIEND?!" I yell, rolling up my sleeves about to beat his lazy ass.

     "Oh get the fuck over here," Calvin chuckles. I give him a bitch fight me look. I walk back over to Calvin. I sit down I front of his face, I stair into his drunk ass eyes, and I smile. We started getting closer and closer to each other. I wrap one arm around his neck, and I was basically sitting on top of him. I smirk when I see his face start to turn a slightly pinkish color. I bit my bottom lip, I kept getting closer and closer to his lips, but right before our lips met, I slap his cheek. "IM GONNA GO UP THERE TO BEAT THAT GUYS ASS AND YOUR NOT GONNA STOP MY NONEXISTENT ASS, GOT IT?!" I scream in his face. "...o-okay...damn..." Calvin laughs awkwardly. I smile, "thank you, you AssBoy!" I giggle. I forgot I was still sitting on top of him, and I guess he forgot as well, because he hadn't even said anything.

     Since I had forgotten about me sitting on his lap, I start to back up, but I fell backwards. Calvin, out of reflexes, tried to grab onto me, but he just fell on top of me. I start to laugh at my clumsiness, "sorry dude!" I laugh looking up at him. "Nah it's my fault du-" he gets cut off by Kacy and that guy Calvin was fighting, busting through the door, making out. Me and Calvin look over at them, and our jaws drop. "W-what the hell Kacy?!" I yell pushing Calvin off of me, and then I storm over to her.

     "Haden! Wh-what are you doing down here?!" She looks like she had just seen a ghost. Calvin stands away from us, trying to keep his chill. "Not doing what you where about to do with that creep," I yell pointing over at the guy. "His name is not that creep! His name is Maz!" Kacy growls at me. "Whatever Kacy, you can get AIDS from him, you ass!" I scream, being discussed by Kacy's actions. "What about you leave, Haden!" Kacy makes a fist watching me. "Fuck you too" I roll my eyes, walking out of the basement and then I start to walk home. I check my phone, and of course it was pass curfew. Hank is going to actually kill me.

     I sigh, walking up to my house, and doing the walk of shame up to my front door. I open the door and walk in. The lights where still on, so I didn't even try to sneak into the house. Hank walks over to me, and gives me a disappointing face, "where the hell where you?" Hank asks making fists with his hands. "At a party...don't worry I was the mom," I sigh. "Did you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Have sex?" Hank asks, with a weird look on his face. "No I was the mom" I roll my eyes, "I'm going to bed....night" I say walking up the stairs to get to my room.

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