Part 24- You Prick

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You Prick

I pull away from Calvin's kiss again, and I take his noodles. I instantly start running away down the hall, holding his noodles. I turn around eating the noodles while watching Calvin run over to me, "HADEN THOSE ARE MY FUCKING NOODLES!" Calvin screams, cornering me.

I chuckle lifting up some noodles in my hand, and then I throw the noodles at his face. I start laughing as the noodles hit his face, "HA BITCH!" I yell running off again.

     I am now in the kitchen waiting to see a wild Calvin come running at me. I eat the noodles quickly, watching my surroundings. Looking up from, now, my noodles I see a wild Calvin standing in front of me. I give him a smile as I lift up the box to him, "want some?" I giggle softly. He has noodle stuff all over him, he takes the box and throws it away. "Hey!" I yell watching him throw it away, "that hurts me a little, you fucking cunt!" I laugh getting up from the ground. He rolls his eyes, "your cleaning up all this shit up," he lets out a sigh.

"Clean up your face first mister!" I smirk poking his chest. He lets out a grunt if annoyance, "clean up your act first." I put a hand on my heart, "that hurt!" I laugh, watching him walk up stairs. "Fuck you!" I hear from upstairs, which made me laugh even harder.

     Turning my body around to face the counter, and sigh softly. In two days I have to go back to school. That means I have to see all those faces that I hate, and now they all are going to call all different kinds of super creative names, that I have never heard before in my life! I growl walking over to the couch. Once I reach my destination, I plop my ass down onto the comfy couch, but I plop my ass down onto something hard. I pull something up from under my butt, and it's Calvin's phone! A smirk creeps onto my face as I put in Calvin's password. Honestly, if you don't want someone to go onto your phone don't make you password 7765, he's such a idiot.

     Scrolling through his phone, I go into his messages. God! I'm turning into one of those people that never get out of other people's faces. I chuckle looking through all of his text messages, how am I even friends with him! His texts are much more weird then mine, and he isn't flirting with any other girls! Wow, I'm actually surprised by that.

     At the very bottom of his text messages was from his mom. The last time he texted her was from 1|6|15! That is like two years ago, holy shit. I click on the box to go into their chat, and I start reading from the top. It seems like normal text messages from the start, like mom we need eggs, or mom where are you. Then towards the bottom of the chat they start getting weirder and weirder. There's one message that stands out the most, and it was the last text that stands out at me. The text is from his mom and it says, this is why your father doesn't want you to live with us anymore.

     I exit out of all his texts and close his phone, I'm not about to get caught going on his phone.

     After about ten minutes watching TV, Calvin finally decided to come join me downstairs. "Awe! It's my little Cal-Cal, straight out of his first shower!" I laugh watching him as he walks over to me. He rolls his eyes before he sits down next to me onto the couch, "you should kill yourself!" he jokes poking my cheek. I sigh, laying on his lap, "okay, bring the razor blades!" I laugh looking up at him. Calvin chuckles putting his hand onto my face, so I lick his hand. "Ew!" he jumps, pulling his hand away from my face. "Don't mess with me!" I say with a lisp. "Stop talking like that, you Jew," he sighs messing my hair up. "Stop being such a prick," I growl, hitting his face softly. "Sexual assault!" he yells, pulling me up from his lap. I laugh as he pulls me off of his lap.

     We start watching Hulu plus, because fuck Netflix! Even though Stranger This is just UGHHHHHHH. Then it if no where, Calvin's phone goes off, and it's his mom! Don't mind my snoopiness.

     When he looks at his phone, his face just changed from the biggest smile to the most depressing look ever. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask trying not to get to touchy-feely with him. He sighs putting his phone back down, "yeah I'm fine...perfectly fine," he puts on a fake smile, pulling my closer to him. It hurts me that he is hurt, but I don't want to push him to tell me what really is going on with his parents. "Okay, nooooow what do you wanna watch?" I laugh scrolling through shows we can watch. I just hope that text was good, because I don't want a depressed Calvin walking through my mind all the time.

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