Part 3- Stealing Beer

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Stealing Beer

     I get into Kacy's car, and sat into the car's passengers seat. Kacy looks over at me while eating a pop-tart, "what about your car?" she asks while swallowing the pop-tart. "Zack is gonna drive it home." I say as I fix my hair. "So what are we doing?" I ask, looking over at her. "Uhh...I might of invited ju-just a few people..." she smiles with a shy look. "So by just a few, you mean the whole fucking school?" I say in a gloomy voice. "Well yeah..anyway let's go!" Kacy giggles as she starts to drive to her house.

     Pretty soon we got to Kacy's house. Kacy's parents are like never home, so Kacy throughout parties all the time when they leave. "Okay Kacy," I say as we both sit down onto her bad, "I will not have a good time tonight, because last time I left you alone you started to like someone fuck you!" I smile at her. "H-hey! That was one time!" Kacy blushes looking down. "....he was your cousin!" I yell. "HE WAS MY THIRD COUSIN!...but he was good!" Kacy groans softly. "Ew...." I mumble. Kacy sighs, "okay I see your point...just have a little fun! Maybe you can try and hook up with that Calvin guy!" Kacy smirks.

     "Hmmm let me think...noooooooooo" I growl at her. "Oh you two would be so cute together!" Kacy bit her lip, "but you should take him when you have the chance!" Kacy giggles. "...he's all yours Kacy," I say rolling my eyes. "Kk! Let's get ready for the party!" Kacy says as she gets off of her bed, and then into her bag, "okay take this and go get some beer." Kacy says handing me her mom's ID card. "What?! Kacy I don't look like your mom!" I yell. " have her hair color, eye color, and nose...just say you got lip injections and a face lift!" Kacy giggles, "now go!" I roll my eyes, "I'm always the mom" I laugh, walking down to a store.

     I put about forty cases of beer on the check out table. The guy looks at me with a weird face, "ID please," he sighs. "Here you go!" I smile giving him the card. The man looks at it closely, "umm...lip injections?" He asks. I nod my head, "yup...the hubby got them for me on my 50th!" I giggle. I really want to kill myself. "Hmm...okay, must be loaded!" the man jokes, handing me Kacy's mom's ID back. "Thank you hon!" I smile nicely. "Hmm....that will be,  $480 m'am." He said waiting for the money. "Oh shit I only have $380 on me!" I sigh, "maybe I can pay you back later?" I say batting my eyes, trying to look sexy. The man squints his eyes, "hey! Your that kid that my manager says to call the cops on!" the man yells picking up the phone. "SHIT OKAY FINE THEN!" I yell grabbing three cases, running out into Kacy's car, "what the fuck Haden?!" I yell at myself. "No turning back now.." I sigh, starting to drive away. The man runs into the drive way, yelling random curse words at me.

     I run up into Kacy's room holding the cases of beer. I was out of breath, and I looked like I just killed five people. "What the hell Haden!" Kacy screams at me, "only three cases?!" I look up at Kacy, "dude I just stole these, he caught me, I ran away, he's gonna kill me, fuck my life!" I whine. Kacy looks concerned, "damn Haden!" She laughs. "N-not funny!" I sigh, setting the cases down. "I'll just text people to bring some cases!" Kacy says as she pulls out her phone to start texting people. "Fuck you," I laugh getting out a can, and chugging it. "Yo! I thought you where gonna be the mom at the party?!" She laughs. "Mama needs some pills," I shake my head. "..mama needs a daddy!" Kacy laughs. I laugh as well.

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