Part 20- Help

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My headache pounds in rhythm with my heart beat. "Ah fuck," I groan, blinking my eyes open. Looking around my room, I see my mom and Hank. "Oh...uh, hello," I sit up awkwardly onto my bed.

"Honey, why?" my mom asks with concern, walking over to me. She puts her hand onto my head, "do you feel good? Honey tell me! Why do you want this to happen to you!" she grabs my hand. I growl, I honestly love my mom...but sometimes she irritates me so much. "Mom, if you cared so much about my well being, you would of been here right when I entered those hospital doors," I gulp waiting for a response. "Well then...I see that you don't care about your mother's feelings," she sighs getting up from my side. My heart starts pounding, "you lost your feelings, and your heart when you married fucking Hank!" I yell, "now get out of my room, I never want to see you again!"

The smile on my mom's face fades to a depressing frown. She sighs walking out of the room, she didn't even reply to me. I feel like shit, but why is Hank still in my room. "Hank, get out," I say watching him closely. Hank walks over to me, "now I can call you a little bitch for wanting to kill yourself," Hank smirks. I roll my eyes, "honestly, you are the most idiotic person I have ever met in my life," I snap at him.

Hank growls walking over to the door, as I watch him walk over to the door, it made me feel proud about myself. I could never make Hank leave me alone unless I run away from him, or my mom was there. "Bye Hank," I chuckle softly, but he didn't leave my room. All he did was lock the door. My heart starts pounding as he walks back over to me. "H-Hank leave me alone!" I say in a worried tone, but it was so hard to make those words to come out, it is like I'm glued to my bed. I can't move and I can barely talk.

Hank grabs my shoulders and stands me up on my feet. He closes the blinds to the windows out side to the hallway and to the outside. My legs wobble as I stand, I haven't walked on my feet since I got here. Then all of the sudden Hank puts his hands around my throat, "I'm gonna enjoy this!" Hank laughs, pushing me onto my bed, by pushing my throat. I roll off the bed, taking deep breaths as I get off the ground. Hank walks over to me, and rips out my IV from my arm. I wince in pain, backing up towards the door. Blood starts dripping down my arm, and man it hurts like a bitch. "Hank, I will scream if you touch me," I say as I bump into the door. I quickly turn around and start fumbling with the door knob, my hands shake as I wipe the blood off of my hands, and onto my hospital gown.

     I start unlocking the door, but Hank pulls me off of it, and onto the ground. He puts his hands around my neck, "you scream I choke you," he growls. "Kinky little shit," I chuckle softy. When I say that all the memories I had with Calvin come back to me, we always made fun of each other and...well I miss it. I miss him.

     Then, I snap back into reality, as Hank starts to apply pressure on my neck. Gasping for air, I start to look around my room for something to save me. I can't scream, can't fight back, can't get someone to help me, I'm basically screwed. I start to panic, and have a panic attack, my gasps for air become more frequently, as all my tears flow out of my eyes. "H-....hel-....hel-help," I squeak out frantically.

     My arms and legs start to punch and kick, and then Hank let's me go. I take huge breaths, watching him walk out of my room. I was trembling in fear, and I couldn't think straight. A nurse comes rushing in, "what happened in here?!" the nurse screams helping me up onto my feet again. I couldn't talk, it feels like I was still being choked, but I can actually breath. The nurse lays me down, and then rushes out to find a doctor.

     Tears run down my face, Hank was actually going to kill me, but what made him stop. I look around my room, and all I can think about was why. I want to know why Hank stopped, because he could of kept choking me but he stopped. He stopped and he didn't do anything else to me. He just left.

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