Part 7- What Remains

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What Remains

I get out of my car, and walk into my house. I look around, seeing no one I run into the master bathroom. I shut the door, and lock it. I look through the cabinets, and pull out a pregnancy test. I walk into my room, and hide it in the bottom of my dresser. I sigh, and change into a baggy outfit. " I go..." I gulp, grabbing my bag and keys. I walk to the car, and start driving to school.

A month has passed, and I still haven't even seen, or talked to Calvin. Of course that great streak has to end sometime, but until then...I will never talk to him ever again if I can.

I wake up on a Saturday, "yay Saturday!...w-wait..." I look on my phone's calander. My luck, it was a start of a new month, and I didn't get my period last month. I jump out of bed, and took out my pregnancy test. I walk into the bathroom, and well piss on the stick. I wait for a few minutes, "I can't look..." I whisper to myself. I take a deep breath, and then turn the stick over to face me, "n-no..." I mumble. My heart sank, no that can't be a little plus, nope no. I growl and throw it away out of pure anger. I storm out of the bathroom, and straight into my room.

I lock the door, and then I start to cry. I take out my phone and start to text Kacy.

Me: 'Kacy talk to me!!!'
Kacy: 'okay I'm here!'
Me: 'I can't live like this'
Me: 'you can't tell anyone what my problem is'
Kacy: 'okay...I promise!'
Me: '...I'm pregnant'
Kacy: '....what? Typo?'
Me: 'it's far from a typo'
Kacy: 'who's is it?!'
Kacy: 'I's okay'
Me: 'thanks...I just need to be alone'
Kacy: 'okay text or call if you need anything'
Me: 'thanks Kacy'

I sigh, "I need to tell Calvin.." I whisper, sitting in a corner of my room. I sigh, and decide to call Calvin. I call up Calvin, and I wait for him to pick up. "Hey!" Calvin says as he picks up his phone. "Oh! H-hey Calvin!" I say awkwardly. "So what's up?" He said to me in a confused tone. "...I need to talk to in real right now!" I sigh. "Okay, my house?" He asks. "Yes see you soon!" I say as I hang up on him.

I pull up at Calvin's house, and I walk up to his door, and knock. Calvin opens the door, and lets me in, "hey!" he smiles and lets me in. I don't understand how he is not so awkward around me. I sigh, turning to him, "Calvin...I am so sorry...b-but I'm...I'm pregnant," I say as I look down. Calvin's eyes widen, he's not saying a word. He's just standing there like a idiot. "C-Calvin?" I ask him. He nods, "okay," he says then pulls me into a hug. "I'm here for you...and...t-the baby..." he smiles slightly. I smile, hugging him back. He kisses my forehead. I blush, looking up at him, "thank you" I put my head in his chest. It was nice to see Calvin again, and I'm glad he is going to support me through this. Even though I kind of want to get an abortion, but I can't. It's not right to the baby, this was all my fault. If I wouldn't of let Calvin get even more drunk, and if I wouldn't of drank with him. All this could've been avoided.

     Calvin looks up and starts moving his hands, like in a go motion. I look up at him, "wh-" I get cut off by him hugging me again. I hear a giggle and then the door opens and closes. "Who or what is that?" I ask confusingly. Calvin chuckles nervously looking down at me, "oh...umm...m-my mom!" I roll my eyes, "sure," I laugh. "It's fine, I don't care about you having a girlfriend," I chuckle letting him go from my hug. In my mind I am jealous to all hell though.

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