Part 28- Notes

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It's been five weeks since the text from Steven, and I have been stressing about it everyday. Even though I have Calvin, he's just not helping me. For some unknown reason, I'm starting to feel like I'm not even safe with him anymore, and that I'm just putting him in danger whenever he's around me.

Another thing that has been on my mind in these recent days are there notes, but I wouldn't call then notes, exactly. I would call them more of obsessive love letters, and you guessed it! They are most definitely from Steven.

I let out a huge sigh, when Calvin comes into the room while holding a letter–he knows nothing about the love letters. "Hey babe!" I squeal, running over to him. He lets out a small chuckle, handing me the letter.

"Are you like famous, or something? This is the sixth one this week!" He sighs, throwing himself onto the bed.

Shaking my head, I look over at him, while sliding the letter on top of all the other weeks. "I wish..." I huff, sitting across from him on the bed.

He grunts, "what's wrong? When you saw that letter, your smile went away."

I didn't notice my smile went away when he showed my the letter, oh god! Now he knows that something isn't isn't right. I don't answer him, because I can't think of a reasonable explanation about why I'm upset.

"Okay...well I'll just need to read what it says then!" He laughs, acting like this is a joke, when it's not even close to being one.

"No!" I say a little to loud.

"Uh...what crawled up your ass and had a baby Trump?" He tilts his head, making all his messy dark brown hair fall onto one side.

"...please, just leave me alone," I sigh while messing with my sleeves.

He looks me up and down, probably trying to read what my emotions are right know. Then he lets out a large sigh walking out of the room without saying a word to me. I know it's not right to get all pissy at him, but I'm just in one of my depressing moods. It'll go away quickly, well, quick enough.

When he leaves the room, I get out of bed, and close the door, locking it. I let out a sigh, grabbing the letter, carefully opening the envelope, and pulling out the neatly written note. It's hard to look at with out gagging, but something about his letters make me want to read them, they just make me nervous, but I like this feeling of nervous. This type of nervousness makes me feel semi liked by's just hard to explain.

I unfold the note addressed to me, and I start to read it.

Dear Haden,
I love you my dear! It's been absolutely forever since we last spoken face to face! Well the more that I think about it, the more I remember that the last time we spoke was in court! Man, you hurt me that day my love, but I forgive you, and what you have done to me and my life. I want you to know that. Haden, my dear, please forgive me. I forgive you. I want you to love me again, and not love him. You need to see the true him, and realize that he is not good for you, and that I am the only one for you. You need to leave his sorry ass for me baby girl. Just for me.
Your probably wondering about how I took those pictures of you. Well...

My heart starts beating, and my hands start to shake. I pick up the envelope, and finally I take out the ten pictures of me. I can't believe what I'm looking at! He took these from the inside of the house! How did he get in here!

I run over to the door and lock it, so I don't get interrupted by Calvin while reading and examining the pictures. This is so crazy, this can't be real life!

I look at the pictures and they blow me away. The first picture was of me sleeping in bed. The day this was taken–and all the others–was when Calvin was out of town with his friends. I take a deep breath while looking at the next picture. This one has his hand stroking my hair. The picture makes chills run down my spine, this is actually unbelievable!

The next two pictures are the same as the last, but the fifth picture has his hand on my boob! What a pervert! I can't take my eyes off of them, I need to keep looking at them.

The sixth and seventh picture was of me rolled onto my back, the eighth is the one that starts making me panic. The eighth picture is me without my shirt and pants on, and his hand on my stomach. These make me want to puke, but I need to see what he does next.

Finally, I look at the ninth picture, and it makes me want to jump out of the window that's placed onto my left. The picture was of him and me laying next to each other, and he has his leg wrapped around my waist. My stomach growls like it is getting the feeling to puke, I can't take this! Why do I get the crazy ex stalker boyfriend!?

The tenth picture is the same of the ninth, but it has writing on it, the message says: you felt nice, but I want more...

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