Part 16- Shes Gone...

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Shes Gone...

My eyes slowly flutter open, as I feel the warm hug that is coming from Calvin. I smile closing my eyes again, and cuddling closer into his chest. At this very moment I totally forgot that him and Kacy are still a thing, and that Kacy is even missing. All I can think about is that I don't want this moment to end with him. I don't want to go back into reality, all I want to do is spend the rest of my life, feeling joy and happiness, with...Calvin! That is all I will even need in my horrible life.

The bed starts to move, and hear a slight grumble, "morning..." Calvin speaks softly, as he stretches his arms in the air. Soon, he wraps his arms around my body pulling me closer to him. Opening my eyes, I look up at him and smile, "good morning AssBoy," I say in a calm tone of voice. Calvin's face lights up with a joyful smile, "just five more minutes," I chuckles closing his eyes again. I roll my eyes, "not a morning person, eh?" I smirk, "I'm not one too," I sight closing my eyes, falling into a light nap.

After about three peaceful minutes of my amazing nap, the doorbell rang. I groan, as my eyes slam open. I look over at Calvin, "go get it," I whisper nudging his arm. "...noooo," Calvin groans softly. I kick the back of his leg, "goooooooooooo!" I say a bit louder then before. Calvin gets up, putting on his clothes from yesterday. He walks out of the room, and then to the front door. I stretch before dragging myself out of bed. I put also put on my clothes from yesterday, because I'm lazy as actual shit. Then I hear my name being called from downstairs. I groan, it was Calvin. "Hold on!" I yell back down to him. It was probably some Girl Scout trying to sell us cookies, that Calvin seems to never say no to. I finish getting dressed and I run downstairs to the front door. My hair looks horrible and my teeth aren't brushed, but there was a man at the door and her looks very serious and kind of scary if you ask me. I speed walk over to the man and Calvin, "what's wrong?" I ask them. Looking over at Calvin, his face looks like he just saw a ghost, but the man had empathy in his eyes.

My heart starts to race, waiting for the man to answer. The man finally starts to speak, "I am here to inform you that we have found the body of Kacy Dunham, I am truly sorry. She has passed by a over dose, and we don't believe it was a homicide," the man say in a very straight forward manner. My eyes widen, and my hands start to shake. I look over at Calvin, and Calvin looks at me. Me and him just stare emotionless at each other. I can't believe this happened! I look back at the man, "...o-okay..." I say stuttering my word. Okay was the only thing I could think of in this moment. I just feel so guilty about this, because this all feels like it was my fault. "I-I'm gonna be sick...." I whisper, walking away. I need to be alone right now, so I go into the upstairs bathroom and lock myself in. I just need to be alone and think about this situation. I sit in the bathtub, and stare at the door, I can feel my sanity start to decrease.

Tears start to flow down my eyes, how can this be happening? Why did Kacy do this? I sigh, putting my head onto my knees. I hear someone knock at the door, "go away," I say through my cries. "No Haden, unlock the door or I will," Calvin sighs. I look back up at the door, "No! Get away from me!" I scream back at him. "Haden, I feel the same as you right now, so please open the fucking door," his voice started to give out towards the end of his sentence like he was about to cry. I bite my lip, gripping onto the bathtub's side. I shake my head, "I-I just wanna be alone right now...please...leave me alone," I sigh putting my head back on my knees.

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