Part 15- Oops I Did it Again

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Oops I Did it Again

     Calvin looks down at his feet, rubbing the back of his head. I sigh, starting to play with my sleeves. It's a nervous habit that I tend to do when I fuck something up. Calvin bits his lip, " are we...gonna do? A-about Kacy," he laughs awkwardly. I shrug looking over at him, "her mom s-said to wait until she gets home....soooo...." I sigh, plopping down onto the couch. Calvin gulps shyly, and he sits down next to me on the couch, "...this is it?...just sit on the couch and wait..." he sighs, shaking his messy hair out of his face. I nod, "yup," I sigh, crossing my legs on the couch.

     "So...did you really mean what you said?" Calvin asks looking over at me. I bite my lip, "once Kacy comes back...then yes," I sigh, resting my hand and my cheek. Calvin sighs, "let me guess, Kacy was all like, don't talk to my Calvin!" he said in a weird baby voice. I giggle, "you guessed right!" Calvin chuckles, laying his head on my lap, "oh well! Your my fraaaaaand," he smirks. I roll my eyes, "yup my fraaaaaand!" I say giggling, messing up his hair up even more. "Agh! Meh haaaaiiir!" he laughs, looking up at me. I give him a glance, "bitch fight meh!" I smirk. "Oh don't go there lil lady!" he jokes, standing up. I stand up in front of him, "I'm not the lil lady!" I smirk, poking his chest. He grips my waist, and pull me closer to him, "oh yeah? Wanna go?" he laughs, looking down at me.

     I'm a small girl, and everyone uses that against me, "fuck you too!" I laugh standing on the tips of my toes. Calvin rolls his eyes, "now that's sad," he jokes, lifting me up from the ground. "Aye! I hate you!" I giggle holding onto him. To be completely honest right now, I forgot that Kacy was missing. "Nooooooo! I'm not putting you down until you love me!" Calvin laughs, running around the house holding onto me. I scream, "EHHHHH! CALVIN PUT ME DOWN YOU BITCH!" Calvin laughs, "no you don't love me yet!" he smirks. Calvin throws me over his shoulder, "damn your light," he laughs. I growl, "fuck you!" I start to poke his cheek. Calvin sighs, and puts me down. I giggle, "I always get my way!" I laugh jokingly. Calvin shakes his head, "sure you do!" he laughs.

     I sigh, "wanna make out?" I blurt out. Shit. I really didn't mean to fucking say that out loud. Calvin shrugs, "I was waiting for you to ask," he laughs, pulling my close to him. Our lips meet, and it felt so fucking good! His lips are so soft and warm, and I want them to stay together for ever. I wrap my arms around his neck. Soon, I feel myself get pinned against the wall. I look into Calvin's eyes, "this feels so wrong, but so right," I say as I bite my lip. Calvin nods, and we start to make out again. Ugh, I'm such a fucking slut, but I'm a proud to be a slut.

     We slowly make our way into my bedroom, and my shirt is already off. I take off his shirt, and then his pants. He pushes me onto the bed, and we start to make out again. This is gonna happen again, wow! Maybe I can remember it this time.

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