Part 12- Waffles

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My eyes start to flutter open, after I start feeling cold. I look around trying to find where Calvin went. I sit up and look around the room, then I hear talking outside the door. The voices sound like Kacys' and Calvins'. I get up, and walk closer to the door. Listening to the conversation I hear Kacy yelling at Calvin. I kind of feel guilty, but I kind of feel happy? Why do I feel happy? Heh...I'm just gonna kill my self. I start to listen closer to their conversation. I bite my lip, maybe I shouldn't listen to their conversation. It feels so wrong, but I'm just a curious person.

I decide to listen to their super private conversation, but I'm not to sure of some of the words they where saying. "Don't babe me!" Kacy screams. "Stop yelling at me, and just talk about this shit," Calvin calmly spoke, trying to make Kacy stop freaking out. Kacy sniffs, "okay! I am super calm!" Kacy sighs. "Yea okay..." I can't make out the rest of the words, because he was mumbling. Fuck your mumbling Calvin, I'm trying to spy on you. "...heh...bitch" Kacy giggles, I growl softly. It doesn't sound like she was mad at him anymore, which starts to stress me out. I have no idea why I'm so jealous at her! I just want Calvin to myself, god. I'm a horrible friend.

     I open my bedroom door, to be face to face by two amazing people kissing. I roll my eyes, "get a room!" I joke at them. Kacy turns to me, "eh? Wanna go man?!" Kacy laughs, poking my arm. "Yeah fight meeeeeeeh!" I yell through my laughs. Kacy jumps onto my back, Kacy is pretty light, so it's easy to carry her. "Sorry Calvin, I found a new bitch!" Kacy giggles. I laugh as well, "yeah, she's mine now AssBoy!" I smile, sticking my tongue out at him. Calvin rolls his eyes at us, "well then you two won't be getting any waffles! Good bye!" Calvin laughs, running down Kacy's stairs.

     Kacy gets close to my ear, "I want waffles..." Kacy whispers. I smirk, "I'm gonna get us those waffles!" I giggle. Kacy was still on my back, and I carry her down stairs. We see Calvin eating waffles at the kitchen counter. "OH HELL NAH!" Kacy and I yell at Calvin. "Bitch," Kacy yells, running over to him, and flicking his head. I laugh running over, stealing one of his waffles. I take another waffle, and I throw it at Kacy. Calvin rolls his eyes, "I thought you two where gonna fuck? Cuz you two are each other's bitches," he chuckles. "That's not until the honeymoon!" I whine. Kacy nods her head, messing Calvin's hair. I laugh, eating my waffles.

     Calvin gets up, "sorry I have to go, my mums home!" he says getting up, and then grabbing his back. Calvin hugs me good bye, and then he kisses Kacy bye. "Bye bye bitchy AssBoy!" I laugh watching him leave. Before he leaves he flips me off. That cute little bitch, I think, bitting my lip. Kacy looks over at me, "okay before we hangout on a Sunday...w-we need to talk," Kacy says wrapping her arms. I nod my head, "sure, what's up kiddo?" I chuckle, grabbing my waffle. Kacy sighs, "I'm fine with you and Calvin being friends, but cuddling with him through out the night?!" Kacy growls, "that's fucking absurd!" Kacy yells at me. I bit my lip, putting down the waffle. "Are you not going to say anything?" Kacy says making a fist. "...I-I'm sorry...I was just scared! It will never happen again! I promise," I sigh looking down. " me a favor, and stay the fuck away from Calvin," Kacy growls walking into the bathroom. I growl, walking up the stairs, and into my bedroom. I lock my door, and lay on my bed.

     Taking out my phone, I start to look on Instagram. I scroll through the recent posts, and I see Calvin has posted. I look at the picture and smile, he has a stupid look on his face. I click on his profile and begin to stalk him. Looking at the pictures with Kacy in it made me sad, but yet I respect the fact the he will never love me. That him and Kacy are meant to be. Kacy is also so happy with him, and I can never take that away from her.

     I feel a slight pain through out my stomach, but I don't care. It's normal.

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