Part 18- Doctor Says

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WARNING: I'm not a doctor. I have no idea if this is true, or not. So if you do have a overdose, please call your version of 9-1-1. Or like die...if you want to....THAT WAS A JOKE!

Doctor Says

     I start having a coughing fit, and it feels like I can barely breathe. I try forcing my eyes open, but I can't. It feels like I'm in some sort of car, but there are people talking, and it just feels like death in here. I don't like it.

     The car swerves all over the place, it feels like it is one of those crazy rollercoasters at the cheap fairs. All of the sudden my heart goes from a slow pace, to reapply beating against my chest. I start coughing and gasping for air, and there is just more craziness, and rushing going on around me. Finally, I am able to open my eyes, but it is all blurry and I can barely see anything. It almost feels like I have just woken up from a horrible hangover.

     Looking around at the sights before me, I see a lady at my side, talking to the other man.

     "Over dose on some sort of sleeping pills.... she has almost all of the symptoms," the lady sighs, looking back over at me. Then she looks over at the man, "give her a dose of Ipecac," she says turning me onto my side. I have no idea what Ipecac is, but they gave it to me and now I'm non-stop puking. There is barely anything left in my stomach.

     Soon, the car stops and I am rushed out of the car, and into a hospital. The rest went black, I can't remember anything else happening after they got me out of the car, and into a semi large room.

     I groan opening my eyes, I feel very weak. My stomach growls, as I look around. I have so much pain in my abdomen area, it's just unreal. After a moment of me laying in a quiet room, a doctor walks in with a nurse. I slowly turn my head over to them, as they both sit in a chair next to my bed.

     The doctor clears his throat, "hello miss Haden, good news is that the pills didn't do to much damage to your body, but," he pauses for a moment, "your baby...we are truly sorry but, you had a miscarriage." The doctor says firmly holding onto his clipboard.

     I take a deep breath, "it was because of me...right?" I asks weakly, still looking at the doctor. The doctor nods sadly, "the baby was to young for us to have a C-section on you, it wouldn't of survived. And we also think it absorbed most of the pills, that you digested," the doctor sighs, "now get some rest, we will check on you in about two hours." He says getting out of the chair and walking out, the nurse stays with me and checks on all the medical things around me.

     I close my eyes, and rest. All I need is rest, and I will forget that all of this had ever happened to me. I'll forget it like all of the other mistakes that I have done in my lifetime.

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