Part 13- Nice Day at the Park.

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I sigh, "fuck...I'm fucked..." I whisper to myself. Kacy texts me,

Kacy: 'hey! Sorry about me freaking out at you! 🖤 no hard feelings boo?'
Me: 'yeah no hard feelings! 🖤 just a pregnant lady over here 🤰🖕🏻'
Kacy: 'omg XD cringe'
Me: 'fuck you too'
Kacy: 'okay, jokes aside! can you go out to the store?'
Me: 'I don't mind at all, what do ya want?'
Kacy: 'a new dildo, Calvin is just not doin' it for me'
Me: 'WTF?!'
Kacy: 'I joke, I joke!'
Me: '...I knew dat...'
Kacy: 'yeah sure...any who! I need you to get me some more Twinkie's!'
Me: 'bitch...your repaying me...'
Kacy: 'fine, I own my life to you. NOW GO GET ME SOME TWINKIES!!!!!!!!!'
Me: 'okie, bye bitch'
Kacy: 'b ye'

I roll my eyes, I get out of my bed and walk down stairs. Kacy was blasting music in her room, which is normal. I just can't wrap my head around why Kacy wants me to get her fucking TWINKIES! I sigh walking out of the house, I lock the door behind me, and I get into my car. I start to drive to the closest gas station.

I grab a box of Twinkies, and I proceed to check out. I get in my car, and start driving back to Kacy's. It was about ten minutes when I got back. I got out of my car, and I bring Kacy her Twinkies, but her door is locked. "Kacy, open up!" I yell, banging on her door. "Kacy?...did you pass out? Are you drinking again?" I laugh. I wait for a moment, but no reply from Kacy. I sigh, "you you still fucking mad at me?" I chuckle. "K-Kacy?..." I sigh, trying to open her door. I start pounding on the door, until it finally opens. The locks in Kacy's house sucks. I frantically look around her room, trying to find her.

     Soon, I see a letter on her bed, that is addressed to me. I pick it up, and start reading her letter.

Dear Haden,
I'm so sorry, but I left. I want to be alone right now... don't worry I'll come back. Please, don't come looking for me...I really want to be alone right now. Btw your five bucks is on the kitchen counter. Love you, Kacy

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