Starlight Wonderland Pt.3

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Laurence's Point of View
Today or I should say tomorrow is the day I propose to Lucinda! But she might not feel good today. She has been sick since Wednesday and today's Saturday... Maybe I should wait? Nah... It's worth a shot.

"Hey... Um Luci?" I said as I held her hair back from her face. "Y-Yeah Laurence?" She said then she threw up more. "Do you want me to call the girls? They can probably help you more than me." I said. She shook her head.

Bold: Aphmau
Regular: Laurence

Hey Laurence! What's up?
Um... Well since there is only one of me and 2 of you guys... Can you and Cadenza come over today to help with Lucinda?
Oh sure! We'll be there in 10 minutes! Bye
*End of call*

Small Time Skip- 10 minutes later

"WE'RE HERE!" Aphmau screamed as she slammed the door open. Then they came into the bathroom and saw Lucinda.

"Poor Lucinda! Laurence go do whatever you need to do we got this!" Aphmau said. I nodded my head and I went over to Garroth's room. I also saw Aaron there.

Aphmau's Point of View
I held Lucinda's hair back from her face  and asked her...

"Lucinda... Do you... you think your-" I got cut off by Lucinda. "Pregnant... Um... Maybe? I don't know! Oh... wait. I think I am..." Lucinda said. "Um... Cadenza can you go get those test thingys?" I said. "S-Sure?" Cadenza said.

Garroth's Point of View
"Um guys I'm going to head to that store across the street. Do you guys want anything?" I asked. "No" Laurence said. Aaron shook his head no.

Cadenza's Point of View
I headed to the little market place across the street.

I opened the door and the bell dinged when I came inside. I was looking threw all the isles. Then I saw Garroth. He came over to me.

"Hey babe! What are you doing here? Is that a pregnancy test?" Garroth asked. "Um... What oh I grabbed the wrong thing yeah that's it!" "I can tell you're lying... Who is it for?!" Garroth asked. "Uh... Aphmau... Thinks she's pregnant! Hehe..." I said quickly. Phew I think he bought it. "W-What really! Tell her congrats if she is! Can I tell Aaron-" "NO! I mean it's a s-surprise!" I said back.

"Oh ok well bye!" Garroth said then he kissed me. I blushed of embarrassment. I went up to the cashier and payed for the stuff I got and headed back to the hotel.

"IM BACK!" I said as I opened the door to the bathroom. I gave Lucinda the test and me and Aphmau left her alone.

"OH MY IRENE!" Lucinda screamed out and came out the bathroom. "I'm pregnant! Ekk! I'm excited!" Lucinda said as she showed us it was positive.

(I laughing so much because I know this stuff. CURSE YOU GREY'S ANATOMY!)

"Ohh! You should tell Laurence! Maybe at exactly 12! It could be another Christmas present but a late one!" Aphmau said. "Yeah you should do that! I'm positive Laurence would be happy!" Cadenza said.

Lucinda's Point of View
"Ok ok calm down guys. I already know you guys are excited but keep it down!" I said. "Ok..." they both said in disappointment.

            Time Skip- 11:50 pm.

Laurence's Point of View
It's so close to midnight... I hope she says yes. I'm just so happy to propose to her!

Lucinda's Point of View
I can't wait to tell Laurence the news! It's so close to midnight. I wonder what he would say?! OH MY IRENE ITS 11:55!

"Laurence! Come to the balcony!" "Ok!" He replied.

"I need to tell you something..." we both said at the same time. "Laurence you go first..." I said. "Ok..."

Laurence's Point of View
"Oh look Lucinda over there!" I got down on one knee and took out a black velvet box and opened it. I don't see anything?" She said. "Oh my Irene!" she started crying tears of joy.

"Lucinda... Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I said. "YES!" she said. I got up put the ring on her finger. She hugged me.

Lucinda's Point of View
"Laurence I need to tell you something too... I'm pregnant!" I said. "OH MY IRENE REALLY!? I'm going to be a dad!" "Yup!" I said.

He then kissed me. Then Aaron, Aphmau, Garroth, and Cadenza came out and screamed. "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Fireworks went off.

I was so happy! Laurence proposed to me, he is going to be a dad, and I'm just happy to have my friends and Laurence. (Cough cute cough)

        Time Skip- 1 week later

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