The Day Before...

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Lucinda's Point of View
"Lucas pick up your toys." I said. "Nuh uh!" "Lucas... Uhhh... " I said as I picked up his toys. I'm left at home with Lucas for 3 hours because Laurence is at work and Lucy is at Cadenza's house.

(Ok so this is just an announcement... Cadenza and Garroth are engaged, Aaron and Aphmau are married and have a child named Alina, Dante and Vylad are dating, Travis and Katelyn are dating, and Kawaii~Chan and Zane are dating. Anyways... Back to the story!)

I got a call from Laurence so I picked up my phone and answered.

Bold: Laurence
Regular: Lucinda
Italics: Lucas

Hey Laur!
Hey hun, I'm on my way home now. Do you want me to pick up Lauren?
Um... Sure.
Well I'll see you at the house, bye!
By- Wait! (Goes to get Lucas) Lucas say bye to daddy!
Bwye Bwye daddy!
Heh, bye Lucas bye Lucinda.
Bye! (Hangs up the phone)

Laurence's Point of View
I was driving to Cadenza's house. I put the car radio on. It had the Harry Potter theme song on. Lucinda was probably listening to it...

Lezy Tem Skip- At Cadenza's House

I arrived at Cadenza's house. I knocked on the door and it opened. Garroth opened the door. "Hey Laurence!" Garroth said. "Hey Garroth, I'm here to pick up Lauren." I said with a smile. "Cad!" he yelled. "Well maybe come inside while I get Cadenza..." Garroth said.

I walked inside and closed the door as Garroth ran upstairs to get Cadenza and Lucy. I looked around and I'm surprised Garroth hasn't messed up the place yet. Or... Broken down a door. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Lucy.

"Dwaddy!" she said as she put her arms out. "Lauren!" I said as I picked her up and smiled. "Awww! Well thanks for letting us have her!" Cadenza said. "Heh, you're welcome." I said. "Bwye Aunty, bwye Uncle!" Lauren said as she waved bye to Cadenza and Garroth. "Bye guys." I said as I opened the door. They both waved bye and I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I walked to the car with Lauren still in my arms. I unlocked the door and put her in her car seat and buckled all the buckles and stuff... Then I went into the drivers seat and started driving back home.

Lezy Tem Skip- At The House...

Still Laurence's Point View
I parked in the driveway that's on the side of the house and opened my door. Then I opened the back door and took Lauren out of her car seat. I closed both doors and walked to the front door and rang the door bell. My beautiful wife, Lucinda opened the door.

"Hey love." I said then I kissed her forehead. "Mwommy!" Lauren said as I put her down. She hugged Lucinda. I smiled.

Lucinda's Point of View
"Hey! Lauren go play with your brother!" Laurence said as he pointed at Lucas who was playing with toy cars. She ran towards him and they started playing. "How was your day with Lucas?" he asked. "Tiring..." I sighed. "How was yours?" I asked. "Heh, busy..." he said as he sat down on a chair near the kitchen's island.

Ok this is a random chapter about the day before Lucas and Lauren's birthday. Hope you liked it. If you guys want to comment what job Laurence's job should be. Just a suggestion. Anyways...
Little Brown Girl Is Out...

The Love of My Life (Laurence X Lucinda) [Completed] {Book One}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora