1st Birthday!

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Lucinda's Point of View
"Mwommy!" I heard someone yell. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Lucas. "Hey sweetie..." I said as I yawned. "Birday!" "OH MY IRENE! Laurence! Wake up!" I said as I shook him and he answered... "What?" he rolled over to look at me. "The kids! Their party!" I whispered to him.

He shot right up. "I'll get the kids ready! Lucas come here!" I saw Lucas run over to Laurence and they both walked out of the room.

Lezy Tem Skip- After Everyone Changed...

Laurence's Point of View
"Kiddos, you guys ready?" I asked. "Yes!" they both said excitedly. We all walked out the door and walked to Garroth's house because that's where the party is at.

I rang the doorbell and Garroth answered. "The royal guests are now here!" he said as he picked Lauren and Lucas up. "Garreff!" Lauren said as she hugged him. "Well come on in!" he said as he moved out the way for us to come inside.

Wow... Garroth would be a good father one day... Anyways...

Garroth put the kids down and they ran to Cadenza. The people that were here were Aphmau, Aaron, Alina, Katelyn, Travis, Kawaii~Chan, Zane (surprisingly), Dante, Nicole, my mom, my dad, Caleb, Kim, and Garroth and Cadenza (of course).

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Lucinda. "Love, do you need something?" I asked. "Did you know Cadenza is pregnant?!" once she said that I immediately froze. Why didn't Cadenza tell me?! "Laurence... Are you ok?" she said. I slowly nodded my head and looked at Cadenza.

I walked up to her. "Sis... Y-You're pregnant...?" I asked as my eye twitched a few times. "Oh! I forgot to tell you! I am!" she said as she smiled. "B-Baby... Belly... R-Round... P-Pass ou-" I felt drowsy and fell to the floor.

Then suddenly everything went black.

Cadenza's Point of View
I sighed. "GARROTH!" I yelled. I saw him leave his little group of Dante, Vylad, and Travis. "Yes C- What happened to Laurence?!" he said as he looked at the ground where Laurence was. "Put Laurence on the couch." I said.

I saw the Caleb, Lauren, and Lucas jump off the couch and run over to Laurence. "Is Waurence ok?!" Caleb asked. "IS DWADDY OTAY?!" Lauren yelled.

"W-What happened?" I looked down to see Laurence slowly open his eyes. "You passed out..." Lucinda said. "Why?" he asked. "Because... I said I'm pregnant..." I saw his eyes widen and he jumped right up off the floor. "Laurence it's ok... Calm down..." Garroth said. "Ok, ok..." he exhaled loudly.

Laurence's Point of View
I sat on the couch. I have the urge to kill Garroth right now... But I should stop being over protective.

"Daddy is otay!" I looked to my right side and saw Lucas. I smiled and put Lucas in my lap. "Heh... Maybe we should open presents now..." I heard Cadenza say. "Yay!" Lucas and Lauren said.

Cadenza brought the presents to the coffee table. Then Lucas jumped off the couch and Lauren ran to the coffee table. Everyone gathered around them either sitting on the couch or sitting on the floor.

"Which one do you guys want to open first?" I said. Lucas pointed to a big box and Lauren pointed at a small one.

(Oh my Irene I just noticed these kids are very smart and strong. And they're only 1 year old.)

Lucas was trying to open the box but he couldn't so I helped him. He pulled out the present and it was a dump truck which is really big.

"It's a car!" he jumped up and down. I looked at Lauren as she opened her present. It was a Harry Potter book. "What is dis?" she said as she inspected the book. "It's a book. You'll love it!" Lucinda said as she sat down next to her. "Oh otay..." she responded and put the book down and grabbed another present so did Lucas.

Lezy Tem Skip- After Opening Presents...

Lucinda's Point of View
"Do you want to do the cake now?" Garroth said to me. "Um... Sure." I said. "Hey kids we're going to do Cake!" I said. "Yay!" they said. I cleaned off the table and Garroth put the cake on it. It had 2 candles on it and the flavor was chocolate.

Garroth grabbed a lighter and lit the 2 candles. Then we all started singing.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Lauren and Lucas. Happy birthday to you!"

"Ok guys blow out the candles!" Laurence said. They blew them out and everyone started clapping. "I want da cake dwaddy!" Lauren said. "Me two!" Lucas said.

"Okay, okay... Garroth get a knife." Laurence said. (No Laurence is not going to kill anyone...) "Okay!" he responded.

Anether Lezy Tem Skip- After Eating Cake...

Caleb's Point of View
"Wucy! Wauren! Want to pway wif cars?" I said. "Yea!" dey bof said. I grabbed my cars and Wucas grabbed his. Wucy used bof of our cars.

"Vroom vroom!" Wucas said.

SO MENY LEZY TEM SKIPS- When The Party Is Done

Laurence's Point of View
"Bye everyone!" I said. "Bye!" everyone responded. We all walked out the door (Lucinda, Lucas, Lauren, and I) and walked home.

"Did you guys like you're party?" I asked. "Yea!" they responded.

(I forgot to add the piñata part but... I'm to lazy to write it. Oh and I forgot to mention it was Halloween. I just realized these things... Anyways...)

A Long Lezy Tem Skip- 4 Years Later...

(Little Brown Girl Is Out...

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