Chapter 1 - Global Planning

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"Darkmouth!" a voice ranged into my ear as a paw prodded my side, "Darkmouth get up, Darkmouth?!" I Sprang to  my paws, shocked with a few panted and looking at a Black shadowy she-cat with Brown eyes. "your fidgeting in your sleep like someone placed a needle in your neck" she meowed.

I got up and shook the burrs from my fur, giving my back a few licks, "sorry Jasilian, I was just dreaming that all" I told her, as she looks at my eyes with a curious murrow, "seriously im fine,  hey who's the medic around her, you or me?" I challenged her as she shrugged with a sigh.

She rolled her eyes, "of course your the medic, but you realize this is the fourth time in a row that you have been mumbling in your sleep about dangers in the forest. We have only started the journey in this area like a few days ago and its making the whole team curious about you" she mewed, as she jumps out into the light, her tail was very bushy at the end and holds a small blank gem at the neck of her collar, and from her waist held onto Bloodedge's favorite weapon that he calls his right eye soul, its a stick with an sharp claws edge at the end (not sure if you can make it out but its a scalpel) . "listen when the others get back, we need to pack up and started heading north, a straight path for the north star up and over the hills will help as a guide to lead up out" she waves her tail out from the brambles and begins draws on the ground.

I blinked, trying to make the sleep go away and jumped out to see her making out a map of the whole place, "while you were sleeping, I climbed up one of the trees to gain a better looks of the area, as far as I could see their was a checkpoint up at a large waterfall that made it down towards a thin river" she said and dug her claw to form a neat line through the river, "if my calculations are correct we should be able to cross the thin river an camp in about a days worth. If were lucky" she finished when I tilted my  head.

I tilted my head, "wait what do you mean, if were lucky?" I questioned her as she sighs making a circle in the middle of the area about near to the waterfall. She was our navigator and supporter when i came out into making quick acting decision. She is also cunning in speaking diffferent languages like Fox for the most part.

She shook her head and continues drawing on the ground map, "I got a wiff of fox at the top from the wind that brought it over, I have to guess they came from this area, if not their closer and just waiting for us to go their and grab a drink. It could be territorial or we could be just walking right into a trap maybe", she meowed, giving an assuring nod, "and yes I have talked to them before, their smarter than you think, but-" she traces around towards the waterfall, "if we take the long route and make it over here, not only will we be able to wash our paws, but it would be sacrificing time for another day to make it their"

  Suddenly the bushes from behind started to move as me and Jasilian continues with the planning, "heh then what time do we have to loose" a squirrel was dropped in between us. We jumped back and looks at a set of orange eyes. he lashed out his broken claws and moves around the map,  "We will go straight for the foxes then, trap or not we dont have the time to make it towards the golden bridge to see if we can find the White warrior" he said as he walks out from the shadows, half his face was clawed in  massive scar that left a gouge from his eyes after a heavy battle between a group of cats he never mentions, but his mission was to find a peculiar cat what has a pure white pelt and blood red eyes called King White. Never saw him or knew about him. But he was seen a couple of time by different creatures and cats that have seen this warrior take out and kill other cats in single swipes. But after three years of looking for him he has found only wearabouts or clue, sensing that he is doing nothing but running. Until know they have a connection that shows he is still alive and running through the end of this forest.

This particular cat who was messing with the map was our leader Bloodedge, who is our strongest warrior on our team and gives the orders around when we take out final directions. His experience in combat is unlimited compared to the original clan warrior I have seen in my young times. Even though he was not a warrior, he claims his title as a Loudclaw Traveler....origin of wre it came from is unknown....but from his status,  you think he was a survivor of a war.

"Bloodedge-..." Jasilians mewed, relaxing with a sigh, "you nearly scared me out of my fur, I thought you was a fox for a moment...were is Turok?" she asked, then the shadow from behind Bloodedge grew wider and slowly a massive paw steps out with a loud yawn. Once the light shown it was a large brown cat with great muscles and a metallic covering over the top part of his head. Explanations why that is their will be revealed in a moments noticed.

Turok gave out a loud yawn, "" he said and looks around with the crowd holding a plumped rabbit in his jaws. "hungry....kill prey...good prey" he spoke looking at Jasilian as she pats him on the back. He was our muscle, the toughest cat on the team, although a little slow in the brain, it was believe he was given a surgical procedure by twolegs before they let him back to his home. Only then did he get lost and found Bloodedge after saving him from bullying cats. But that is a story told later on... its time we had this show started anyways.

Jasilian jumped in suprise from the large rabbit, "very good indeed! This will serve us until we make it to the waterfall" she said excitingly, taking a short bits from the rabbit and stuffing herself with it, "it taste excellent too" she meowed and noticed that Bloodedge was just staring out in the distance, "Bloodedge..." she mewed to herself and looks away.

I saw this and looked at him for a moment as he placed his paw over his scar, hes was aging, possibly close to his elder years, but he still fights with pride... I admired him for letting me join and help stop this cat. I have seen his work myself through the adventures of crossing this world, but... would it be worth it at the end, he thought for a moment and shook his head, "were all together on this, Hey Bloodedge!" I called as his ears rosed and looks over, "as your doctor you should know that a spoiled apatite doesn't help keep you walking" he mewed to him as he give off a grin and pads over, that better, as soon as he was close by he looks at Turok.

"Turok, you gonna eat too?" he asked him as he cranes his neck, almost like he couldn't understand, but at last he nodded and looks at the food.

He looks down and gives it a sniff, "" he asked as Jasilian gave him the squirrel.

Bloodedge presses the prey towards him, "you have earned it, Eat" he commanded as he instantly took a large bite from the squirrel and gulped it down. I always shiver when he does that, on time when I was trying to give him medicine he almost swallowed my whole head. "Thank...friend" he said, as I took a bite from the rabbit that he caught for us, it was a miracle at how this giant tank can hunt, or maybe Bloodedge caught it.

Either way he has his uses, Jasilian stood in the middle and gave in a mew to grab their attention, "alright just like I told Darkmouth, basically-" she explained everything about the possibilities of foxes and how there are different routes to take, the recommended one was towards the waterfall, but time was short on our hand and we didn't have the time to play around through this forest. The white warrior could be long gone of he head for the falls.

Bloodedge gave in a few nodded, but he came down to a decision, "we will take the short route, either dangerous or evasive, we cant risk loosing time" he told her,  just as I thought he was going to say, "Darkmouth do we have the necessary supplies in case of any injuries" he asked while I  peered over at Jasilian's collar that held onto a few supplies... it held onto a few pieces of Goldenrod and one clump of burdock root.

I shook my head as I removed my paws from Jasilian, "I only see enough to hold us off for small wounds...any farther than that we will need to start collecting the materials around the area" I meowed but was only returned with a nod.

Bloodedge moves up towards the bush, "alright, Jasilian you take the front and lead us towards the river. Turok you stay in the rear, Darkmouth your in front of him" he meowed as they immediately took directions, "keep your ears sharp and alert for anything coming in...alright go!" in formation we all ran throughout the forest to race down for the river.

But from behind was a small shadow with blue eyes peers out with a snarl, "intruders" the stranger hissed, "gotta warn the others" he dashes back, trying to hid in the shadows as the sun begins to finally reveal itself through the thick leaves covering the forest.

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Phew Finally I got this story out and running, today I has become a hassl to get things together out here XD. Anyways I hope you all enjoy the scene, but wait, who are these characters?, what are their intentions that will relate towards this story

On a special note I notice on amazon that a new story has been out to amazon called Hollyleaf's story! Go buy it, Buy it now, I command you!

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