Chapter 20 Fun Times Over

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FP= Darkmouth

This was it, I thought, We finally made it to the Star Symmetry, the building point of were this clan receives their nine lives over many generations of who knows how long. "After you" I told Lovesong as she only gave in a nod, "something wrong?" I asked as she only gave back a sad look.

"I just want to get rid of this witch and move on with my life" she said calmly…"im just a bit nervous is all…after seeing th-" I walked up and placed my tail over her shoulder.

"Im no fool Lovesong… I know what she is capable of… don't let her get to you. She is a master in manipulation and if you let her win…. Your future will be nothing of misury" I said to her as Darlinghowl walks over, "she showed something to you didn't she…a dark secret right?" I said as she closes her eyes.

"Darkmouth… I am pleased about your concern, but I am fine. Besides it not like you have no untold secret, from the time I have meet you. Your were nothing but secrets hehehe" she looks on ahead. "we shouldn't waste time, we have a mission to complete, "Earthclan warriors!" they both raised their head, "this is the time to put a stop to what still remains of our colony, we have a chance to stop this. Are you two ready?"

"Hey since when am I ever not ready for some action" Griffenpaw growled, "im ready to start flying some paws left and right like a night in the ally, lets just go already!"

Darlinghowl gave in a triumpth growl, "Im with ya all the way you know that more than anyone Lovesong" he said unsheathing his claws.

Then they all looked at me, "h-hey don't think im not a part of this? I mean I um yeah im helping out but…oh lets just get on with it" I sighed and walked in behind Lovesong as Darling howl and Griffenpaw followed from behind.

"Lovesong what happened to Wildclaw?" Griffenpaw finally asked, at first I though everyone forgot about him.

"He will catch up, just keep moving" she said hoarsely, I don't know what the deal is with her, she seems like a different person person…like another feline I have meet once back in the clan….Bondleaf if you hear this I want you to know I still hate yo-, "ow" I bumped into her heign quarters, "hey warn me when your going to st..stop…" I looked up seeing the gigantic crystal that forms all around the area… It was so large I couldn't describe its construction.

It was black but still glowed off a dark light that illuminated the room, "It looks like onyx! This is terrible" said Darlinghowl "alright enough said, now were is this entrance?" he meowed looking around.

"Maybe its hidden, like an escape route for emergencies from a build…something like that" said griffenpaw.

I walked up to a wall and sniffed around, "or maybe its like a hidden entrance that only reveals itself if something were to properly move. Maybe the rocks shift or something" I said toutching the stone as Lovesong sighs, placing her paw on her face.

Lovesong pointed forward with her tail,"or maybe its over their you idiots" we all look at the oversized entrance right by the crystal chasm.

I placed my paw behind my back with a chuckling laugh, "Ummm yeah how did we miss that?" I said with one paw behind my head.

"Sweet! Alright last on there is a chick under the eagle!" Griffenpaw speed off into the tunnel as Lovesong gave in a hiss.

"Hey! You don't know if it's a-" suddenly she heard him scream as the voice started to sound like he got dragged, "Griffenpaw!" she dashs over to the entrance and skids to a halt seeing the area is leveled to a hole. "griffenpaw?!" I rushed over beside her as I strained my ears, hearing him yowl and forming slidding sound.

"Great starclan he found it, its like a slide down their" I said as Lovesong gasped.

"I am not going to jump down their!" she meowed.

Darlinghowl gave in a sneer look, "oh whats the matter, you scared of heights?" he said as she looks back at him with a sneer.

"I am not afraid of hieghts I- hey what are-…no let go of me!! Ahh!!" she scream as they both fell in the hole, "you bastaaaard" she yowl, I couldn't help but laugh, but then I took a step back and twisted my neck.

"Alright Ghostflower, your time for fun is over" I said to myself as I took a deep breath and jumped as the world turned black.

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