Chapter 2 - Fox Trap

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Each of them took turns to leap over a brach as a twig was tripped over by Jasilian, "Dammit this forest goes on forever!" she panted and they stopped at around a hollow tree that looks like it was going to fall at any moment, Turok was the last to arrive with the group as he looks around, he tenses with a low growl.

He sniffs, "place...maze like" he growled, then looks behind him, "cats here?...hear cats?" the giant golden tom flicked his ears, Bloodedge strains his hearing.

Jasilian look up at the trees, "I think its the chirping sounds, the birds around here really know how to mock our language" she meowed, as she hears the chirping of birds making different noises.

I meowed in the crowd and leaped over from a low branch, "considering theres no pattern?... I find it strange" I told her as Bloodedge slowly steps forwards with his teeth bared out.

"I will take front" he growled, "everyone stay close and shut up..." he brushed past Jasilian as she grunts away from him, "this way" in a silent step, almost as if it was stalking they paced forwards. Hearing the sounds echoing through the dense forest. The heavy humidity in the middle of Greenleaf was interrupting through his sense of smell and the lack of lick making it hard to see through the shadows. A whole new terrain that make it hard for all of us, even I don't know this....maybe Dustclan back on the island were their were thick trees and brambles on the ground instead of sand and stone from mine.

Then my thoughts were interupted, "Did you hear that" Jasilian's mew made me jump with anxiety, his eyes traveling left and right, seeing nothing but rays of light through the leaves that impaled the green grass that survive through this darkening forest. To me it was hard to tell were to find the right plants around here in case of any attack.

Turoks ears still flickered, "Turok... hear growl?" he asked as Bloodedge immediatly stops. Almost having Jasilian ram him against his hindquarters. "Turok...sound loud...Fox!?" he yowled and slid out his massive claws and slowly walks up in front.

My heart started to race, "Get ready! Everyone get in formation!" Bloodedge yowled at the group as Turok ran in front, Me and Jasilain on both side  from Turok and Bloodegde at the rear, "everyone is set?... Jasilain how many up ahead!" he yowled as Jasilian squints her eyes and pricks her ears.

Her ears were pricked as movment was heard p ahead, " three.... yes three playing their own formation...." she slides out her claws as we opened out our group, "there trying to surround us" she said and heard the voices in fox language, "the leader is moving in front, he is planning a diversion, Darkmouth to your left" she pointed, "Bloodedge behind you! And Turok...front ram.... hold" she commands with her bush tail as the bushes began to slither, "hold..." she told Turok, this wasn't the first time we had foxes try to kill us. Thats how I saved the crew last time after they got hurt badly and my hospitality saved their lives from wounds...once was serious,  "Their they are... Go" she told Turok as he gave out a loud roar and clinch his teeth as a huge snout storms out from the bushes and Turok rams his head against his neck and tosses it in the air as Bloodedge leaps with his two single claws on his paw. Slashing it with enough strength to open a wound around it belly and falls to the ground in the opposite yelping as the two others jumps in.

Bloodedge raised his tail and lashed forth, "Take them out!" he orders as we split our groups into two. It was me and Jasilian, the other was Turok and Bloodedge.

Jasilian gave in a twisted yowl, <you will regret facing us!> she spoke in fox as the creature eyes shot back and growled as it leaps for us. Immediately we split in opposite and rushed back in, both aiming for his snout.

I rushed in and leaps up towards it snout,  "take this!" claws opened out I scratched his eye and bit down on his right ear, making it wail and shake away as Jasilian took its foreleg and pulled it back away from its body,  causing the beast to fall and wail for its partner.

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