Chapter 17 - Cosmic Reset 2

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Few moments earlier...

First person- Griffenpaw

" head" I blinked heavily from the bright light that shower down on top of me. Funny part was it didn't feel hot around my pelt nor did it seem to brighten the ground...just made the sky exist. "something odd" I mewed as I took another step seeing the ground cracking from under me, "whoa what the!" I blinked for onlyu a second and the entire ground was gone around me. I took a step back and my back paw slid as I recoiled out of the way seeing the rear was gone too. My eyes were wide from panic as I looked to the left and it disappeared too, Then a crash from my right as I saw the whole ground fall before me.

"" I said nervously as I got the faint sound of a she-cat laughing at me.

"Awe whats the matter? You seemed to be in a real jam in this situation?" Griffenpaw gasped as he looks up to see a heavily scared tortoiseshell she-cat floating in mid air.

"Wh-who are you?" I hissed, stepping back as he slid down going nervous from my own surroundings, in fact it seemed like the ground was shrinking as I moved.

"You don't looks so good" she licks her paw, "maybe I should brighten the light for ya, that should clear things up" she releases the clouds and fires up the light to reveal the lower ground as sharp lengths of spiked stones from the bottom.

"Really?" I said looking back at her, "what the hell is this Freddy Crooger, yes this is scary but come on...really why thi-" I looked up to see a large batted wing.

"Hmm hehe you persuasion in fear is quite odd I can tell" she meowed, "but aren't you afraid to loose your own life for a worthless cause?"

Grifffenpaw tilted his head, "meh I really didn't have much to begin with, unless you call a mouse to be worth of value" the ground started to shrink in as I yowled, "okay okay now you can stop this right?" I begged, panting as it shrunk to the touch of my paws.

"now why on earth should I stop?" she mewed, "you know I always wanted to know though...what were you doing in the mountains to begin with?"

"I don't know!?" I yowled, "I was born their!!"

"Hmm pity, you seem to have so much more ability but yet the clans never took you in as a full warrior" she looks away, "you should have been something more special"

Griffenpaw growled, "and you should stick to a single topic, were the hell did it come from living in the mountains, to knowing my place. I just live my life that all I do. I don't care about this whole ranking ordeal, I don't care about what you say... sigh* for once I just want a normal life and I don't need another alice in wonderland"

Ghostflower tilts her head, "hmm you speak of odd words, too bad" she flexed her claws and the entire ground ruptured from under him.

"No no noooo!" my eyes were up watching as the damn she-cat laughed at me, until I heard a slash of blood pour out from my vision... I couldn't feel any pain, but my eyes went shut instantly until something clawed my side.

"Wake up!" it yowled, "you stupid furball wake up this isn't the time to sleep!" I opened up my eyes and saw I was back on solid ground in a puddle of water, my eyes were heavy with sleep as I look up to see Darlinghowl,

"Hey oh man you would not believe the dream I was..." I saw a rock float mid air?, "awe come on!"

"Seems like we are in the starclan grounds...but the question is...what happened to this place?" Darlinghowl thought as I looked up thinking.

"Hmmm huh?" I looked beside me and saw a dark shadow loom up from the ground, it smile sadistically at me as I squint at the image, "are we high?....again" I meowed.

"What?" Darlinghowl mewed, look forward seeing two more shadows appear, "whoa this is trippy"

"Yeah hey you think we accidentally swallow a mushroom or something..." I shrugged as the cats in front hissed.

"How in the world are you suppose to find that in the mountains?"

"Well remember that time when we was looking for herbs for Soulflight and we cam across thi-" Darlinghowl brushed his tail against his mouth.

"We were very stupid at the time and I don't want to think about that story again... caused my mate went nuts on me for days" he hissed.

"haha, but still this is a dream right?" I walked up to one of the shadows as it hisses around me, "hey you don't look so tou-" he lashed his claws as I moved back... seeing a whisker getting chopped off, "ehh....Darlinghowl! this is not a dream!!" he launches himself back and they all started to charge in. we were surrounded. "were the hell are we!"

Suddenly one of them pend me down and started to naw on my shoulder, "aahhh its going to eat me!!" I screamed feeling the pain ebb. I kept on yowling until I heard a ringing sound which made the pain go away. "huh?" I opened my eyes seeing the shadowy figure was stunned, "okay now im very confused..." I looked behind me seeing Darlinghowl was doing the same, "hey...hey man you okay" I waved my paw over his eyes but he didn't move.

"Hmm so....okay then...whoa!" the ground started to shack and the sky turned dim showing cracks like ice from the sky. "now the sky if falling!? It's the end of the world as we now it!!" I ran left and right as Darlinghowl screamed like a she-cat, "god I didn't mean literal" I said, "Hay! Whu?" the figure from Darlinghowl turned back into that she-cat, her eyes wide like she was in pain.

"No..ahh! why...are difficult?" she swerved to the side looking at me, " its not you doing this....ahh!" the ring came in again...sounded familiar.

"That's enough Ghostflower!" my ears pricked as I turn my back and saw Darkmouth with Darlinghowl.

"ha? arrogant cat what did you do!?" she hissed backing away.

"Its quite simple when you receive a little help from a good friend" he flicks his tail to encounter the bell, throwing a wave that made her shrink back.

"And here I thought those stupid bells were show.... thanks starclan they were useful!" Darlinghowl growled. "Griffenpaw, get away from her!" he order as I nodded running back to them.

"Ahh Curse you damn cat!" she yowled, "again you get I the way of my fun...hehe no matter" she sinks in from the ground, "ill be waiting for you all...don't be late now" she panted slowly sinking into the dark ess as the whole sky shattered.

"So this whole thing...was an illusion?" I blinked seeing we were back on the platform...

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Third person View

The sky was back to its cloudy self, showing a shrouding retreat floating lower. The Symmetry road was back together and the five stood were they all were last standing, Lovesong looks at Wildclaw, her eyes heavy, "Wildclaw I..." he lashed his tail out to silence her.

"You have a duty and I have mine, just go" he said to her as she looks at Griffenpaw. He gives back a face asking what was wrong until Darkmouth gave in a yowl.

"We should get going while we have the chance!" he yowled. Rushing forward to the large cave entrance that showed dark spiky crystals from the ceiling.

"Hes right, we don't know how long she will recover, lets get going" Darlinghowl meowed as Griffenpaw follows suit.

Lovesong stares at Wildclaw as he gave her a distrustful look, "Lovesong" he mewod, she was still too speechless with what to say back to him, "just be careful out their" he turns away from her, "I need a moment, ill be down. Help your friends" she wanted to stay as well but from fact and opinions he was right.

"Okay..." she meowed and slowly pads towards the entrance.... Then dashes to keep up with the others.

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