Chapter 24 Another Day of Darkness

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"This is your end, gnn argh!" she was pushed away by Wovenstar, making the crustals cluster in diffferent directions, "you cursed cat" she kicks her out of the way as Darkmouth leaps down with a kick from his back paw, then jumps out of the way as she releases a shockwave that shot me back several foxlengths away.

"I will reign terror over this place! I will Win upon all battles" she yowls as several walls of crystals formed in front of her, "I will not allow anymore distractions at all" she opens more portals that brought up shadows, more than I could count, "and I will not.. let-you-have-this-back!" she screams as the power makes her go mad.  Then rotating clusters of crystals floated in the air as they all were launched straight at me.

For a heartbeat I saw my life flashing before me… when I was just playing around as a kit,  to becoming a medicine cat, to leaving….. then here…"Ahh!" I wailed as the clusters shot down. Then a Silver stream jumps in the way as she holds out her paw to form her own set of crystals that raised up high in the air, making a circular shield that deflected the dark shards away. My eyes were wide in awe as she flinches making the structure drop.


....for a split moment I thought I could feel my heart stop...but a moment more it started to beat again as I opened my eyes, "Whew who knew that this took so much out of you" she smiles as she looks back, "you okay their, Could have sworn I saw you crying like a baby" she laughs as I blushes getting back on my paws.

"Ow…ha please…. " I said limping from my hinge paw, "but she isn't joking anymore as you can see" he pointed where Ghostflower was standing on a build structure near the last pillar were it was giving her power. Her eyes wide like she couldn't control herself anymore.

"Soon that power is going to devour her" Wovenstar mewed, "if we keep letting her take control of that last pillar, not only will she loose herself, but also everyone around the area of Earthclan" she growled.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Ghostflower looks down with a vicious growl, slowly repeating word, 'die'

"You realize this isn't reality! I control this place just as well as she can!" she looks at Darkmouth, "you need to summon your true potential, you need the power of the stars if you want to get through this…. Therefore" she looks up in the skies, "myself wouldn't be enough… Cats of Earthclan, cats of all territories… I call upon this warrior in the name of a dark time…. Please I ask you all, help lend us strength as we give the final reach to stop this menace once and for all!" she yowled out.

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As the scene switches from the outside seeing the center piece, making them all hear the words, Jasilian was look out as she dips her head in a prayer, "get her good Darkmouth, Wovenstar!!" Skypaw meowed.

Turok was standing on top of Badgerfang whose body was smashes against a large pale stone, he looks up from the stone and smiles as Greypaw helps up Darlinghowl. Their furs matted with blood, "take that bitch out for us good man" said Greypaw as he sighed with his eues drifted off.

"Bring back our clan Wovenstar!" Darlinhowl yowled out as it went over to Wildclaw helping Lovesong.

"Hehe after all this time I despised him as a medicine cat… I was right he wasn't one" he laughed, "but he make on hell of a warrior in my eyes" he looks down as Lovesong only gave in a slight chuckle.

"somehow I think this will…. All be fine…" she meowed as her eyes drifted off, guving out her last sigh as the light began to brighten.

Then their spirits, their prayers, their hopes all drew in from the central stone as it passed back through to Darkmouth, "were all with you both!" he heard the yowls of all his friends, his companions that stood by him until the end… he could feel their energy as his wound, his mind, and his own spirit flared and healed to the point he was able to do anything.

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