Chapter 21 Unfair Fun

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Back outside down in the fields,

"Wake up… Jasilain!" she was prodded by her side as she shook her head and quinked awake, "this is no time for sleeping!" he yowled.

"Gnn wha ha…*Gasp Sandst-" she looks over to see the Grey cat dozed out like a sleeping dove, "ouch…huh?" she looks to her right seeing Turok breaking through a clump of rocks. His muscles tension from the stones as they easily become removed from the gravel.

"Dig, dig ,dig … for…little cat…" he meowed as she looks to her right showing Soulflight sleeping soundly…"grr hey! Woman get up!" she yowled as she shot her eyes out.

"Wha?...whats happening!" she stands on her paws and looks at Jasilian, "what happened to Sandstone?" she demanded as I pointed out to were he was unconscious, "oh no… im so sorry Sandstone… I really am"  My fur began to bristle.

"Crazy cat he tried to kill you!" I yowled as she looks back with a laugh.

"You know that isn't true, he wouldn't hurt anyone if he wasn't controlled…" she sighs and looks back at Jasilian, "alright you win what should we do" she meowed finally, "we cannot stay here, otherwise were all going to end up like him, and Skypaw is missing"

"I can answer that" she cranes her neck seeing Bloodedge pointing at a opened catve wide enough for even Turok to enter, "she went this way to help them in the cave" he yowled.

"By herself?! Are you made?!" Soulflight growled as Turok rips another piece of stone off the cave.

"im sorry it was either get killed here or through the cave were it was safer" he growled, "now do you want to stay here and do nothing, or fight to not only save her but everyone else in your little clan" he growled as she growls back.

"Who are you calling little" she spat back and walks towards the cave, "are you sure she came through this way?" she looks up at Turok… who then looks down making her nervous, "Im having a hard time wondering if we ever had you as a clan member… what would you name be I wonder" she laughs nervously and looks back. "Jasilian" she  mewed knowing Jasilian was behind.

"yeah what?" she mewed in an irritable tone.

"Please understand… look for once can we stick as partners and deal with this mess together, if we don't then this is only going to make things much more difficult" she meowed as Jasilian started to growl, "Jasilian don't you want Darkmouth back?" suddenly Jasilian paused as she looks to the side.

"Yes…" she admitted, "don't know what I do without him or anyone else" she give in a nod, "okay only this once" she raises out a paw and they shook on it.

"Im glad were at an agreeme-" now Jasilian was at her face.

"But if you so as touch a hair on his pelt ill kill you" she shoves off and enters the cave, shaking her fur as she gave in some thought, "what she mean by that?" she shrugged and walks inside.

"Hey don't leave without us!" Bloodedge mewed as he waves his tail, "Turok, follow!" he yowled as the giant tom ears pricked as crawled his way in.

Third person View

Back inside the cave...

Everyone was thrown into somersaults and smashed against a crystal wall, "ow get off me!" Lovesong pushed everyone off with her Hein legs, 'asshole" she meowed hearing Darlinghowl give back a few laughs.

"Everyone focus…looks around you" Darkmouth yowled as his voice echoed, "Ghostflower!!" I hollard out, "were are you I know your hiding here!" everyone was in a defensive position, everything was so dark even their own vision couldn't get used to it.

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