Chapter 13 Brave Punishment

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Meanwhile Outside…

Turok looked around hearing a strange noise appearing up ahead through the waterfall… some of the structures around the area began to move and the waterfall was moving more fiercely, "Jess…. Cats running…loose… hello?" he said and looks over the water as it started to get rougher from the flow. Then the ground started to shake as the sky became dark and cold, "wrong…wrong!" he runs left and right as he continues to hear the wailing from the cave. "Jess!.....edge!... Speck!" he wailed their names over and over. His ears drooped back. Until in an instant, the water from the falls exploded, shooting out seven cats from inside.  

"Great starclan!" Lovesong Gasped as she looks back, "Wovenstar!" she yowled, her eyes wide, then closed her muzzle to look around to see who was hear, "everyone report!" she yowled.

" here!" said Darlinghowl who was helping out an unconscious cat, "Ive also got Skypaw!"

"Im present with Sandstone" said Soulflight who was helping Sandstone limp out of the shore of the water.

Jasilian slurs out shacking out her damped pelt, "oh I don't understand how you guys can get use to getting wet" she meowed. "Gasp* were is Darkmouth…..darkmouth!?" she looks back at the ruined entrance and seeing the rocks that cave it in along with the water that flowed through it.

"Someone help?" she heard a yowl coming from the side of were she couldn't see him, Darkmouth was hanging on to another cat whos fur was too damped to figure out.

"ahh, (drowning over water) will you let go your—" Turok ran on over to the edge of the water and cranes his neck to grabe the limp body of bloodedge, "couph* uhh thanks…" he growled as he placed him down beside the grass and went over to pick up Darkmouth.

"Christ!!" hollard Griffenpaw who was behing Turok, "y-yuour a…a giant!...h-how" he stepped back as Turok looks at him with a confused stare. "okay am I dead?" he said looking back up at him.

"Grey cat… big?" he takes a step as the grey tom hissed and jumps back.

"So only we survived?" said Lovesong who looks back at her clan, "n-no!" she whimpered, "no this… how could…you!" she looks at Darkmouth who coughed up some water as Soulflight pressed against his back. "what did you do! Answer me dammit!" she yelled stepping down as Sandstone got in between them, "stand asides Sandstone!" she snarled, "im going to claw his fur off and I-"

"This had nothing to do with him!" he said to her as she twitched her ears. Once she looks down she saw a dark clustering from below him.

Skypaw gasped, "your paw!" she said looking up close, "what happened-" he raise out his tail.

He only winced, "Wovenstar struck me as I gave everyone the getaway" he fell on his side as the dark aurora from his paw grew more rigged.

"Sandstone no!" Soulflight scream with tear rolling down to help him as Darkmouth held her down, "no let me go! Sandstone don't leave us please, I am lost without you!" she wailed.

"Don't do it if you touch him you will become one too!" Darkmouth yowled which made everyone look at him, "theirs nothing you can do right now" he hissed under his breath as Soulflight looks at Darkmouth then back at her mentor. Tear rolling as she closed to look down.

"Arrgh!...(pant) settle down…Im not dead…yet…" he assured her, "Darkmouth…" he flickered his tail around and one of the bells clamped off, "take it…it may…come in …hand-" the dark arora took over his body and in an instant his fur turned grey and closed his eyes.

"Oh my god?" Jasilian said to herself, "b-but magic doesn't exist does it… this cat just…. He"

"What in starclans name is going on…" Lovesong said with wide struck eyes, then they regain structure as she looks at Darkmouth.

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