Chapter 18 Air Behind Cracks

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FP= Jasilian

She was looking up on the mountain thinking if they made it alright up their. The clouds from up top seems to have cleared up but the darkness surrounding it was still their. "do you miss him?" I jumps to look back seeing Soulflight cautiously padding up to me.

"Get away from me, the last thing I want to do is talk to a worm like you" I gave in a growled, trying to get away from her, "what is he to you anyways?" I said to her making my way up to Bloodedge.

"Darkmouth is a great medicine cat-" She mewed to her seeing Bloodedge moaning about his back.

"Of course he is, he is a medic! There is a simple term for it, no reason to give him rank" I spat at her.

Soulflight fur rose, supressing a growl, "he deserve to receive rank, he obtains special knowledge from not only medicine, but spiritual life as well. He knows about the clans and can fight like a clan warrior. If I was him I would say he deserves more than a name" she said to me. The nerve of this she-cat! My blood was boiling from her voice.

"Deserves to recie- woman have you ever left the ground or farther outside this forst before?" I asked her.

"I am a medicine cat I cannot leave grounds wi-"

"yeah I have heard a thousand times already, out their it is a lot worse, almost every single day of our lives was nothing but risk taking, battle ready, adrenaline rushing. And off course death!" she growled in her face, "if you think we can compare, you are seriously wrong, I respect Darkmouth not only as a medic, but an ordinary being. I…" she paused as Soulflight gave in a laugh.

"I get it then… I can see that Darkmouth would rather stay with you guys. But tell me this at least" she steps forward to were she was a whisker to me, "does he stick with you cause he has to, or did he wanted to for a certain cause?" she said with an intense stare.

"I…hmm" she looks to the side, "oh you know nothing about him! Of course he would stay with us…he… yeah he gave up his clan life and all but…he wouldn't leave us…" I shook my head, "get away from me! I know him he is a good cat" I walked away and placed my paw over Bloodedge.

"How wrong you really are im afraid" Soulfflight whispered as she goes to look at Sandstone.

"Bloodedge how are you feeling" I asked him as he looks up at me with a low growl.

"My back is aching more than an elder with ticks around his spine" he yowled, "uhh I really messed up this time did I?" he laughed as I placed my paw on his forehead.

"Shh, you will be fine, Soulflight says you would be okay and walking around in about a few days" she licks him by the cheek, "just don't do anything more stupid for right now" I laughed.

"Hmmm your always good to me even through our roughest times" he meowed as I gave in a blush, "your nice to everyone you know that…eh, stupid girl" he gets up, shacking his pelt as he gave in a short yowl, "its starting to get to the point to were im beginning to leacture you guys instead of being part of yall" he said to me, why is he telling me this know.

I gave in a joking laugh, "so what are we like your children or something"

Bloodedge gave back a retorted sniff, "what are you kidding, you guys drive me nuts every now and then!" he turns away.

I sighed and looked around seeing Skypaw fidgeting around through some plants, "hey" I said padding on over, "what are you doing? Looking for prey at this time of hour isn't really the best idea" I lectured her as she jumps back out with a gasp for breath.

"Nonono im not hunting, im just trying to think if their was another way in from the entrance. Like did you know this cave is interlinked with over a million different underground directions" she meowed, "and did you know that when it rains the tunnels shift in turns…well the earth verson, stone take a long time to turn" she meowed.

I gave in a blink of suprise, "wow you seem to know a lot about the place" I said impressed as she sniffs around, "but do you think there is another way in?" I asked her as the looks up in a thinking pose.

"Hmmm perhaps…hmmm maybe…no… yes...ohh I don't know" she wailed, "for starclan sake, why do they have to make life seems so difficult?" she thumped her head against the soft ground.

"Hey don't take it on yourself too hard" I mewed as the wind started to pick up through the breeze, "man the wind feels cold through the crack from those branches" I mewed as she looks at me with a laugh.

Then she snapped and her ears pricked, "wait a minute!....Breeze and cracks of course why didn't it come to me earlier!!" she dashes passed me and runs over to the left side of the waterfall, two feet away from were the blocked entrance was at and feeling her way to the side.

"What do you mean, you think there is a way in?" I said excitingly as she sniffs around from the small cracks coming from the edges.

She places her paws around the surfaces of the rocks "if I am right and that there is still air inside the cave, it would need to escape along with a drifted scent from a cat, no many cats. " she taps around the rock and jumps over a few inches, doing the same until one of the taps sounded thin and echoed, "eureka! There is another tunnel behind this crack!...but" she scratched against the soft wall, "it would take us forever to break through successfully… it may be too late before we even get through" she sighed.

I was astound at her ability to fine this place, i turned the gears in my mind and looked around seeing Turok was astill looking up at the sky like it was going to fall, "I think that can be arranged" I padded on towards Turok.

"Whoa…I mean wow hes huge!...but you think he can do it!" she asked me as I was about a couple of yards away from him. Until I heard a scream from my right. It sounded like Soulflight, Turok looked over as Soulflight back away, her eyes wide.

"Soulflight whats wrong! Huh? Oh my god" Sandstone body was moving again and slowly getting back on his feet  as he gave out a loud snarl.

"Oh Sandstone…what have they done to you!" Soulflight wail as the medicine cat eyes opened out shoing nothing but blackness with a red center for pupils. The single bell around his tail was turning pure black and reshaping. Then spikes grew around it as it was in the shape of a Hexagonal diamond.

"hehehehehaaa hahaha!" he raises his tail and smashes it into the ground, clapping the bell and thrashing a loud noise of a thousand wailing cats.

"Ahhh no this cant ahhh!" I wailed and was pressed to the ground. Turok was figgiting but fighting, "turok! Help!" I continued to wail as he looks at me and back at the cat, his muscles tightening from the cry.

"Cat…l-loud!….hush!" he steps forwards as sandstone claps the bell again. Making him crouch with a growl, "stop…stop!!!" he yowled as he gave in a roar that shot the wave out, then he rushes in to bash the cat with his metal platted head and tosses him into the pool.

"Sandstone!" Soulflight rushes in to the pool seeing he was unconscious once more, "who would have thought they could even make an instrument look dangerous" she meowed and jumps in to pull him out.

Turok was panting but took a deep breath as he looks back at me, "cat…loud…wouldn't hush" he pressed.

"You did good ow my ears are killing me though…ow…" the blood rushing was making my eardrum throbbing. "my mind is in a rush now…I cant believe this is happening…this cant be happening" he look up at Turok and looks back towards the entrance, "we have to help too, Turok go help her" I pointed with my tail and he gave in a nod. That's when I realized he just listen to a complete sentence…"naaw?" I laughed and ran up to Soulflight, "hold on I help you get him out" I said as Skypaw looks up at Turok, throwing questionmarks at his figure.

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