Chapter 6 Meeting with peace

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First person- Darkmouth

Back in the crystal cave, "Let all cats who have the piece of energy and compassion, please step forth for a clan meeting!!" she jumped in excitement as the cat started their caterwauling.

Suddenly the light silver she-cat looks at me and give in a steady stare, "young man…please step forth" I slowly took a pace forward and let my eyes gaze around, seeing all the cats of the clan stare right at me.

"I somehow knew that a dark warrior would walk into the path of our skies and it has happened" she growled, "I wished it didn't come today"

For a moment I was stunned from the comment, "the dark warrior?... what are you-" I was hisses at from behind me, it was Griffenpaw. From any cat I meet he was one that never gave a new guys a chance.

He was nose to nose with me as he snarled, "Who said you could speak!" he yowled.

Lovesong rolled her eyes and flicked her tail from the back of his head, "you don't have the right either, were is your mentor anyways?" She gave a low growl as he stood up with pride.

"Who Daringhowl? Bahh I ditch the first chance I had with you on patrol... going off to collect the moss.... I mean really? Like I ever have time fo-" he looks at Wovenstar as she stares back, flicking her tail patiently.

"I would like to start the meeting please" she said in high mew, I seriously have to believe I am dreaming right now. This is becoming a twisted nightmare.

Wovenstar cleared her throat and looks down at me, I opened out my eyes and for a split second I thought I caught a glimpse of a mystic transparent cat behind her, "Stonefur" she meowed in a cliche manner, her tone was a bit off which made me tilt my head a bit, "you said that their was a dream about a certain cat that would trespassed into our land?" she asked him as Stonefur dips his head to their leader.

"Yes mam, the dreams have all connected together, Wovenstar I have to warn you. Darkness is coming" he said with fear growing in his growl, "and it had something to do with this particular cat right here" he pointed.

One of the elders stood up, "so he an enemy! If he was, then why was he brought here in the first place!?" said an elder from up above, "if not then who in starclan is this 'dark warrior' he keeps meowing about" the elder from up above was an old genger tom, his pelt ruffled and tangled like he hasnt groomed or walked in a while.

Then a she-cat elder raised her paw, "well if you ask me he is hardly the fighting type" said another elder with a grey tabby pelt, "he looks like he could barely take on an apprentice, the muscles around him seem very feeble"

Sudden suspicion took over as the caterwaul started to disperse in the cave, all the yowling began to ring in my ears until Wovenstar raised her paw for silence, "I will be the one to ask these questions elders and warriors" she called and looks at the apprentice behind stonefur, and from a closer look it turns out her fur was actually in a sleek shiney yellow with yellow amber eyes, "pepplepaw" she said compassionately, "you had a dream similar Conarypaw, don't you remember?" she asked her as she looks around nervously, taking a look at me and seeing her eyes widened.

"Y-yes Wovenstar this is him..." she pointed her paw, "he is the mysterious cat in my dream... he...he was doing something... something in starclan I think?... and he, he fought cats from our own clan.... but they were very shadowy and grim... they-" their were a few gasp growing around the crowd, one was laughing feebly.

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