Chapter 11 Bloodedge vs Deputy

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FP= Bloodedge

A cat was under me as he lift him up with ease like lifting a kit, "Grraaah!" I tossed a brown cat off the side near the cave entrance as he struggles to get back up, "hahaha again you all do not realize who you are dealing with!" I boasted , stepping forward at the remaining cats who seemed to have backed away from him, "I can smell the fear from you all, I will be sure every single living thing here is gutted like prey smashed on the road" I said sadistically as their eyes grew wide.

Agrey tom walks back, feeling a wound from his back showing a scale wound, "this guy is crazy!" yowled on of them, "he fights like an actual tigerclan warrior" said a she-cat in the crowd.

"Everyone back away" said the leader of the group which moves back to let her through. The cream colored she cat looked strong and much more confident than the other bloaks that tried to blindly battle me out with outreached paws.

"I can see that you're a tough opponent, no rogue would go that far into battle and walk away thinking he gave up" she mused, "who exactly are you… are you even a rogue at all"

I looked at her, panting with the blade still between my teeth. A couple of claw marks were around my body, one by my neck, another placed on my stomach. But they weren't fatal or torn ligaments… I still was able to stand firm, "I like your train of thought she-cat" I  huffed, "but we are not rogues you are right about that, I come from a very far place. Were as a kit I learned nothing but to fight in accords to all this. I am a loudclaw traveler and I request you return for what is mine" he huffed holding the blade more tightly to show he is ready.

The she-cat's eyes slowly blinked and looks around me, maybe trying to figure out how I will play my next move. But in battle the best move is always done second. Never the first strike or you will give out your stance. "I see who your looking for then" she mewed, "but as my leader has told m, he cannot leave. As deputy of this clan I will not allow you to pass beyond this point." She unsheathes her claws and curled her lips back into a snarl.

I laughed and gave back an intense look, "a deputy huh?...what does this look like, the old west?  Sorry lady but play times over. Show me your first draw then" I drew down my ears once I looked to my left seeing a grey colored tabby close end from my left, "two against one?..oh now your just playing unfair. Then again" he licks through his lips to clean his teeth from the blade, "I like a challenge" he growled.

"Don't worry Lovesong, I got him from behind" said the silver cat.

The names burned into my mind, "Lovesong huh?...hmm a pretty name and who might you be in the back?" I said moving side ways to the right so I could get a better look at the two.

"Its Griffenpaw" he growled, the silver tabby looked about the same age as Lovesong. But his stance was a little different than her's. his paw were more spread and seemed like he was a jumper. Probably trained from a different environment. As for lovesong she stood up straight, her paws light touching the ground, is she is the leader that would mean she doesn't leave the grounds too often. This cave became her environment and she may be accustomed to fighting her. If I am right she might have the higher advantage.

Evasion may be difficult, "Griffenpaw?... heh the names you all pick out on each other amuse me, so are you two just going to stand their or are we-" he turns his head to see a brown furred cat who makes his way up the hills, "oh ho! Three, man you must be serious" I taunted. "im still waiting..."

I looked at Lovesong who was squinting her eyes at me, she seems much smarter than the others, "Lovesong…are you afraid to fight… or should I just step aside and make my way to the little kits I smell up ahead" her eye grew wide and stepped forward, Yes that better.

"Earthclan…" she meowed loud enough for them to hear, this is it…."Attack!" at one time, all three jumps at me as saw Lovesong going in like a catch for prey, Griffenpaw jumping above me for a fallen attack, and from the sound of the large fur I could hear the brown tom charging for me. All exits closed but one.

I haunch up my back legs, "Let the games" I jumped to the left as Lovesong and the Brown furball collided, I readied myself for a jump as Griffenpaw was on his way down, "begin!" I leaped forwards to tackle Grifffenpaw back against the entrance as Lovesong recovered throwing a heign kick.

"That was clever, but you wont get out that easily forever" she was quick, she lashes down and used her right paw to push to the side to make the swipe curve. I crane my neck to dodge the blow and lashed down with my blade down towards her forehead.

"Whoa!" she jumps away as the blade pierces hard into the ground. Thrusting to pull it out as I looked back to see all three recovered. Lovesong felt around her face to see a couple of whiskers have been chopped off. Griffenpaw was jumping left and right like a dear and goes for a sky leap ready to aim with the same trick.

"The same old trick don't you think you shou-" I was fooled! I looked down and saw the brown tom ram straight for my stomach. Digging my back claw to catch his guard as he bits onto my neck. I yowled in agony as I twisted away, "you greasy pelt!!" my blood was roaring and once all my  four paws started to move forward, he had his teeth in my neck fur. The blade was still firm in my teeth as I stabbed the edge against his shoulder.

"Argh" I twisted,"aaaah!..." he wailed and jumps away to instantly limp on the cold stone ground. "ahh the bastard!"

"Hahahaha oh come on it was just a stick in your fur!" I laughed and looked at Lovesong who gave in a good swipe at my face, tossing blood across the floor showing a mark on his goudge eye, "you…bitch!" wildly I lashed around my blade. Then used my forepaw to catch her paw and pounce down to keep her from moving. "I got you!" twisting the blade I thrust forward. But my eye widen as she turned her head to move out of reach from the blade. Her blue eyes given concentration against mine.

"You're a good warrior" she said and pounces on my paw, "but I have the advantage" she bites down on my blade and tries to snag it away. "gnn…this will seem to be your…Primary" she muffled while grabbing hold.

"Ahh let go you mangy- huh?" I saw a shadow on top of me as I let go of the blade and have her waltz back unbalance. Then I felt a heavy weight on my back, claws digging in hard like fallen needles from the air.

My eyes wide I saw it was Griffenpaw!, "this looks like a weak spot!" he bites down on my fox bits. Screatching in pain as my heartbeats jolted. "how do you like the pain! It doesn't feel good when its happening to you!" he hissed.

"Hold him steady Griffenpaw!" said lovesong as she dashes forward and swipes my sides twice. Then goes around and bites my left ears. My mind was going crazed with pain, my body was feeling feeble and shaky as Griffenpaw continues to bite off more marks on my back.

Then I snapped in rage, "Get off!" I looked to my left and saw a nearby stone wall, rushed back and back slammed the grey furball against it. All his breath gone he lets go of me to have myself turn around him and grab onto the scruff of his neck. As Lovesong was about to make another charge I pulled onto Grifffenpaw and threw him against Lovesong. Seeing them collide against one another and scramble back on their paws panting. "Ha! You think you have what it takes to kill…me…uhh" my adrenaline was shot out… every point in my body was wasted from that last throw. My paws collapsed from under me. My ears drew back and panted tiredly, "ow… I getting old?" I mewed.

Griffenpaw took a step forward till he was stopped by Lovesong with her tail stuck out in front, "Loudclaw traveler you say" he mewed, sound like it was half to herself, "you were a very tough opponent I will admit that…gnnn" she revealed the cuts from around her neck, showing the drops of blood welching down. "I can tell you have seen a lot of fighting experience, you look like an elder from your appearance…" my eyes were drowsed, but as I blinked she was about a tails length in front of me, "please...don't make this harder, we need that cat of yours to fulfill something for us" she said as she sheathed her claws, "this is your last chance…turn back" she growled, here eye fierce but giving mercy on me.

I sighed and looked back up at her with an amused growl, "Maybe we have other matters to discuss…right?"

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