Chapter 23 The Fall

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Moments earlier…

"Get back!" Pantherblaze lashed out twice as Wildclaw, dodge both sides and ducked under to perform a back flip. Then their was a pop on his back as he went limp, then Lovesong jumps on the tabby's head and performs a front flip to lash down at Pantherblaze's skull with her heign claws. Finally she duck down as Wildclaw jumps over to tackle him over and jumps off to have Lovesong pounce against his belly with a claw at his neck, "grr foxdung!" he yowled.

"You had…enough" she flinched with one eye closed. The blood dripping down from her pelt like a spong was sucking her lofe away, she didnt know how mich she could take this anymore.

Pantherblaze only gave in a laugh, "well played Lovesong..argh… well played in-Deed!" he raises his heign paws under her belly and kicks her off as he twirls to get back on his feet. "your going to have to do more than that to actually take me out again!" he laughed.

"Damn this isn't working" she hissed to Wildclaw, "he stronger than he usually was…ack (cough)" she dazzes out a bit as Wildclaw looks at her.

"Focus, if you let in your going to die out here" he growled as she look at him with her eyes blurring, "Lovesong!" he yowled as she snaps awake.

"Im fine!" she hollers back, trying to stand straight, "argh…well…we will just have to hit harder!" she growled and her fur bristles.

"Come on then!" Pantherblaze yowls as the two rushes in from opposite directions.

"Lovesong" Wildclaw yowled, "from below" she gave in a nod and skid from underneath him as Pantherblaze looks down, then from the side Wildclaw barreled him over and claws at his neck, pulling flesh down as he somersaulted him off.

"Gotcha!" Lovesong jump with a back kick, making him stand on his hinge legs as Wildclaw head bashes him over near the cliff. Were they were about 5 foxlengths high from pointed crystals.

"Cough! Hmph cursed pelt!... you both have guts Ill admire that… but do not deny it is inevitable.. brother you are old, and Lovesong your loosing blood faster than a killed rabbit. In time you both will die in this place" he meowed as Lovesong sigh.

"Lovesong?" Wildclaw meowed as she look at him with a laugh.

She looks back seeing the tom lashing his tail out, almost like he is still trying to recover his ground, "you know… you were right" she mewed, "my own emotion would get me killed… from the very start you saw this coming didn't you" she coughs as Panthnerblaze tries to recover, "As deputy I never thought it was going to be like this…and the love for my clan means everything to me" she stood forward.

Wildclaw eyes widened, "Lovesong what are…" she dashes after him ,"Lovesong!!"

In her mind swirled with thought from her past, I created him to be like this, and to the end I didn't think it would be this way. I loved my clan and would do anything to see them safe and healthy… never again will I let darkness rise , she was foxlength away, "Pantherblaze!"

"What are you-" she rams her whole body against his as he slide to the very edge of the cliff, "no! No! get off of me!" she bites down on his shoulder as he bites against hers, "you fool if we fall you would, no stop this… this is madness!!" he loses his paw on the ground as they both fell off, "nooo!" in Wildclaw eyes, he saw the two fall off the cliff.

"Gnnn..y-you want fair Pantherblaze...t-then we die together!!" she yowled as the shard down below took over in blackness.

"Lovesong!!" he runs up to the edge, his heart felling like it stopped, his ears and tail drooped down, "no…" he stands with his tail dragging on over, "im…im sorry…" he hoarse, "no…Lovesong you were more than a clan member to me… you were like a daughter… I didn't mean to say…" he slashes at the ground, "It should have been me!!" he cries out as he lays on the ground,  his eyes in a collapsed state… Until he heard wail at the end making his head shot back up, looking back, "Lovesong?!"

"Help me you over exaggerated cat!" he heard her voice seeing she was hanging onto a crystal that stuck out from a cliff…ouch… from the bottom showed Pantherblaze's body mutilated by the sharp points of the shards. "help me!" she begged as Wildclaw instantly tries to reach out with his claws to grab her scruff.

"I hought you sacraficed yourself to kill him!" he yowled at she as she coughs heavily.

"Like hell imgoing to die in a pit with that bastard, are you mousebrain... Aaaugh" she wailed as Wildclaw reaches farther.

"Come on" she tries to pull herself up from the shard, revealing that another shard has imbed itself into her right Heine leg, "grr you could loose some weight" he said catching his claws on her scruff and forcing her up. Then when she was close he caught her with his teeth and pulls her straight out.

She only panted with her eyes drowsed, "hehe who knew he was able to die twice…"she mewed weakly, Wildclaw gave in a short laugh and licks her cheeks, "did you mean those words from earlier.." she asked as he only gave in a nod.

"Of course that was just feeling getting in the way" he said with a laugh… "its over.. but keep your eyes open, we cannot loose you yet" he growles at her as she only gave in a nod.

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