Chapter 26 The Seven?

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Location: Unknown

First person…Darkmouth

Everything was cold in this world… the stars glared up in the sky and below me as I looked around alone… "so this is their skies..." I mewed and sighed thinking I was dead, "then I am dead..Im sorry everyone…this was the best for everyone…" I mewed and looked down with my eyes closed.

Then suddenly a bright light flicker from above and showed seven stars in the sky clustered together, one of them from the center showed a beam that sprouted down over me, and in an instant my eyes were shrouded into a wave of emitted light…..

"Gasp* What?" I meowed as I looked around the area I was brought into….it was like living in sphere seeing the curved cracks at the top and a black widow tree in the center, "were am I… " I said… half afraid to myself as I looked down at my shadow. Two sets of eyes were watching me seeing a tail flicker through the other side.

"I have been waiting for you Darkmouth" she mewed as her body rose out from the shadow and matched out with his. Almost looking invisible when she closes her brown eyes, "I've been watching you since the day you were a kit" she laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked as she tilts her head then give in an approved nod.

"Of course were are my manners… my name is Onyx, The farthest and fifth sister of the chosen seven" she mewed, "you are very special Dark warrior as you have been chosen-" I raised my paw out, shocked from what she told me.

"Oh no its happening again…" I meowed, "let me guess…is it Storm?" I whispered as she nodded.

"Starclan can barely hold the power of her awakening and we fear the time is coming again when she will vanquish the clans of your home once again… but" she meowed.

"But what?.." I asked as she disappears and  reappears behind him.

"You need to fight together, all seven must meet at this prophecy, the red moon shall rise, but the dark stone will give out a hollow shell through the heart" she said to him as she appears  on top of the tree, "you need to find the other seven and save your clan from another everlasting darkness"

I gave in a growl, "and what would happen if I didn't want to!" I yowled as her eyes grew shocked.

"I am afraid that's not my decision to make" she mewed calmly, "I love my creation as much as I love the world you live in… follow your heart Darkmouth, and shall your spirit carry on" she placed her nose against my ear as my eyes drifted to the feeling of caring for a mother.

"This darkness has harnest your whole body….just this once…I will give you a chance" she meowed as she look up in the crack and a portal was thrown out, "good luck Darkmouth" she meowed as the light exploded like he was waking up from a bad dream.

"I think I see him coming through!" said a familiar voice…Soulflight?...

"Get out of the way! Darkmouth…Darkmouth can you hear me!" and a loud one, Jasilian was their as well.

"Give him some room everyone, Lovesong place them on duty or something, "was that sandstone…ouch…whats wrong with my body, my shoulder feels like its on fire.

"Darkmouth?..."suddenly my vision started to come back and saw everyone I knew in front of me, Griffenpaw, "Lovesong, Sandstone, turok… and right beside me was Jasilian placing a paw over my neck as Soulflight fixes something on my shoulder, "I can see his eyes!" Jasilian cried, feeling wet drops on my neck.

"Uhhh…who…" I started to move as she held me down, "ouch!..argh!" I looked at Jesilaina to see she was tearing for quite a while, "are you okay?" was the only thing I asked her as she shook her head.

"Of course not! You gave me a heart attack and for a moment I thought you…" she paused and looks at Soulflight wrapping something around my body.

"Okay he is stable" she mewed as she pushes Jasilian over and looks into my eyes.

Third person View

Everyone was shocked seeing the Grey fur was bleaching down and turning back into the dark speckled cat he usually was. his eyes drifted back down towards the green eyes he was use to and everyone huddled together to show how relieved they was.

Moments later I noticed my shoulder was broken…. Soulflight assumed that I feel from a high point when I was unconscious. In the end Jesilian yowled out, "you're a hero Darkmouth!" she pounced at him with a laugh.

"I think in a way we all are, ouch" I yowled feeling the warp around my body holding my paw up.

"How right you are Mr.speckles" they turned their head seeing Wovenstar dipping her head, "of course you would save a little princess like me, your very sweet you know" she meowed and jumps back up on the central stone, then yowls out in excitement, "Let all cats who have the piece of energy and compassion, please step forth for a clan meeting!!" she looks down and dips her head as all the cats stood in their natural place, "I call in the following cats to come forth, The intruders Bloodedge, Jasilian, ummm" she looks at the over large tom.

"Big guy!" Skypaw yowled out on his head as he stood forward, seeing all the cats running away from the outrageous tom making Turok feel nervous, "its okay, their just jelous of your size" she laugh with her tongue sticking out.

"Okay big guy hehe, and I call upon my own Clanmates, Wildclaw, Lovesong, Darlinghowl, Soulflight, and Griffenpaw" she yowls as the following cats came together, Lovesong stood beside Wovenstar as she get pawed by her leader, "you too, down in the semicircle" she pointed as she rolls her eyes.

"Woman still got a lot to learn" Wildclaw growled as she jumps down with the crowd in the middle.

"You all have served valiantly and grateful for your own leader… I am so proud of every single one of you for giving your lives from this clan and making it back to the way it was" she tilts her head, "but im no good with speeches and my own side for some reason isn't kicking in, so I say we Celebrate with them gathering the first piece of prey!" she yowls out as all the cats in the cave yowls in agreement.

One of the elders tilted her head, "but from what?" she asked as the other shrugged.

We all were in the crowd cheering from one another as Griffenpaw stood their silent for a moment, giving out a small sigh, then Lovesong padded him on the back, "you were something else out their Griffenpaw" she meowed, "you really are an Earthclan cat from the beginning"

Griffenpaw looks back at his friend and gave in a laugh, having a thought sink in his mind from Ghostflower, but he shook it away and look back at them  "yeah, your right let eat!"

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