2 - Best Friend

978 60 123

3 weeks later


"Man" I say as I sucked my teeth, ripping the ink-scratched paper out of my notebook and crumbling it up.

I don't see how Rhyon does this shit all day. Rhyming and writing and piecing words together. I mean, the kid gotten better at it but it still aint up to what I think it should be.

She makes that shit look so easy, it's sickening yet amazing. I leaned my head down on the table and sighed. I've been sitting here since school let out at 3pm trying to find the perfect words for this rhyme I'm writing.

It's now 5pm, and all I got is five lines. Fuck this dumb shit, I thought. I'ma just go play my Atari.

"Hey baby...what you doing?", I heard my mom say as she entered the kitchen where I was sitting. "Better be that homework" she said as she kissed the side of my head.

"Mhm", I glared at her as I wiped her kiss off on the sneak tip, then looking at my hand that had red lip stain marks in it.

"You goin over Mrs. Loretta's tonight?", I asked while finally sitting up straight and closing my notebook.

"Maybe...why?", my mom asked, placing her brown purse on the countertop.

"Iono", I shrugged. "Just wondering"

"You wanna see Rhyon?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I mean she is my friend"

"Mhm" my mom mumbled as she gave a small smile. "I was told you and her been getting along real well...."

"Uh huh...right ma" I rolled my eyes and leaned down in the brown dining chair.

I licked my lips as I watched my mom open the cabinet and pull out a box of elbow noodles. I hope she make Mac and Cheese, but I really hoped she was going to Mrs. Loretta.

Not that I wanted to really see Rhyon just because more so I wanted her to help me a little more with my flow. She was gifted as hell.

"But I may stop by and what not, not for long though I gotta get up early in the morning"

I nodded as I got up from the table, grabbing my notebook and heading out the kitchen and down the hallway to my junky ass room.

Plopping down on my bed and looking up at the ceiling, I thought about Rhyon since we walked home from school together. I see my homies teasing me and shit saying I like her, but nah I look at her more as a homie.

She was...coo.

Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours, then waking up to see it being pitch black outside of my window.

"Damn", I groaned as I sat up and looked at my little alarm clock that rested on my dresser.

"11:54 pm"

Outside of my window, you could hear the police sirens faintly, the neighbor dog barking nonstop and some car alarms going off. One thing about living in Compton is, it's beautiful by day but fucked up at night.

You can literally be standing on the block admiring the palm trees standing tall above you and a homicide is happening right below it. I maybe a young nigga, but I have already witnessed niggas being shot, shot at, killed, stabbed and all that.

I sat up and grabbed my recorder player then my notebook with my pen and sat on the floor against my bed. I'ma try to write this shit and hoping for the best.

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