9 - Girlfriend

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"Who's this Lorenzo?"

I turned to see a slightly tall, slim dark skinned girl standing before us with a look of exasperation on her face. She leaned her weight onto her left leg as she folded her arms while looking back and forth between me and Ren.

I sipped out my red cup as my eyes stared at Ren, who suddenly started scratching his chin and clearing his throat.

"Wassup Kim", he said before pressing his lips together and sipping out his cup of liquor.

"You tell me", she replied hastily as she looked in my direction." How you know Lorenzo?" she asked me, raising an eyebrow.

I parted my lips to speak, but was cut off immediately by Ren who stood in between the two of us.

"Kim this is Rhyon...Rhyon this is Kim", he quickly said.

The energy I was receiving from this girl was way off. I couldn't be comfortable around her. I mean, did she used to mess with him or something? The cold, menacing stare she was giving me as if I was her enemy is not cool.

"Hi Kim", I softly spoke.

Kim jerked her head back in shock as she chuckled a little bit. She moved the strands of her that was in her bang out of her face and smiled a brighter smile. I swear, I am so confused at this point.

"Hi I'm Kimberly.... Lorenzo's girlfriend", she beamed, showing a full white set of 32 in her mouth.

My mouth became dry as hell as well as my legs feeling a little weak. I leaned against the white wall that had a painting of "The Last Supper" hanging above my head. I felt my mouth open as I tried to gather my thoughts and process what I just heard.

"G...Girlfriend...wow", I smiled, trying to mask the slight disappointment in my voice.

Ren licked his lips and looked down at the floor, avoiding any possible eye contact with me. He knows we are going to have a big talk after this. He was just kissing on me as if his girlfriend wasn't showing up to the party.

"Yeah...his girlfriend" Kim replied as she took Ren cup out his hand and sipping from it.

I could see her smirking inside of the cup as she never took her eyes off me. Honestly, I feel so stupid standing in this situation. Before she walked up, Ren was saying all these sweet nothings to me as if I was his new girl.

I guess it was too good to be true.

"So" she said as she smacked her lips together and shoving the cup back into Ren stomach. "You're this best friend Rhyon Ren speaks of?"

"Mhm..." I nodded. "I didn't know he speaks of me to you"

"Yeah...he mentioned you once not as much thought", she sneered, looking me up and down. "So, the whole time you're a girl?"

"Kim", Ren said with a hint of annoyance his voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "Yeah...what else would I be?"

"I mean...I only ask because Rhyon is obviously a guy's name...so the whole time I thought you was a guy"

I started squinting my eyes and slowly nodding. I am not the one for fighting and being catty, but this girl is really testing my patience right now. It is taking all of me not to splash this drink right in her face.

"It's unisex fyi", I retorted with irritation in my voice.

"What's going on...who is this?"

We all turned our attention to a well-toned, caramel girl with a blonde weave walked over with another girl who was slightly thick and had a curly hair style and a bang.

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