18 - Too good to be true

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I gathered my bags by my room door as I looked around, making sure I didn't forget anything. I was getting ready to leave to go back to Nevada to be honest, I was ready to go back. This short weekend break was by far the worse experience I have ever had.

The shit that Ren said to me echoed through my mind like a broken record. As long as I've known Ren, I'd never expected him to treat me as such. He spoke to me as if I was some whore and not his best friend. Maybe it was my fault. Messing around with him knowing he had Kim. I was a side bitch and now me being stupid in love with my best friend caused me to be pregnant.

The fucked-up part is; he doesn't even want the child but by his reaction I wouldn't want a guy like that to be the father of my child. I'm afraid too but you don't hear me screaming that I hate him. I was grown enough to lay down and play adult games so now I must make a big decision: either keep the child or send em back to the good lord.

I grabbed my keys to the house and locked the door behind me as I stepped outside on this cool October day in California. I was going to stop by Paris house to hang out with her and Melissa before my mom returned home and drove me back to Nevada.

Right as I was leaving the gate I seen Ren cut the corner making his way to my house. He walked with his swagger dressed in a Black windbreaker hoodie, a pair of Guess Denim jeans and a fresh pair of Jordan's on his feet.

"Here we go", I muttered to myself as I zipped up my University of Nevada hoodie and putting the zipper tag into my mouth.

"Wassup Rhyon", Ren uttered to me.

"Hi", I dryly replied as I closed the gate behind me and looked him straight in his eyes.

"How you doing?", he mumbled as he looked down at me with concerned eyes.


It was an awkward silence in between us before I rolled my eyes and started to walk passed him. I didn't get too far because I felt his hand grab my arm gently, causing me to spin around and face his handsome face. it saddens me someone so fine could be so hurtful and mean. I remember when me and him was practically inseparable and now look at us. A game of unprotected sex has us drifting apart.

"What Lorenzo", I replied in a highly annoyed tone as I yanked my arm away from him.

"I need to talk to you" he said simply but serious.

"Ok. Talk" I mumbled, leaning my weight onto one side and crossing my arms.

Ren leaned on the metal gate behind him and stared at me for a brief second. He licked his before responding to me.

"I wanna give you something" he said as he dug down in his jeans pocket.

My eyes watched his hands dig down into his denim front pocket and pulled out five crisps one-hundred-dollar bills. My eyes shifted back and forth between the money and Ren's eyes. He extended his hand.

"What's this?", I questioned quickly as my eyes diverted back and forth between the money and him.

"Ma, this is for you and the baby" he said to me as he looked away towards the hard, gray pavement that laid beneath our feet.

"Come again?", I asked again as Ren placed the money in my hand. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Look Rhyon" Ren said to me as he looked down at the ground and back up at me and grabbed my hand.

"Nah uh", I said as I snatched my hand back from him. "Say what you mean by giving me this money for me and the baby Lorenzo."

"I did some research of my own you feel me?"

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