24 - Landon

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Two days Later ...


Fall 1987

Watts, CA

I held Landon in my arms as he rested his head on my bosom in his little harness that held him close to me. I smiled as I looked down at my precious baby boy face who looked exactly like me but had a mixture of Ren and I skin complexion.

It was a rather cool night in Los Angeles and I am super glad that I bought Landon's hoodie to my sister house when I dropped him off before I went to class and then to work. It wasn't easy, traveling from my sister's house all the way across town to downtown LA on these public city buses. I didn't live in the best neighborhood, but people knew my face so they looked out for me.

After getting off the bus from working at Macy's, I walked down East 104th street passed Compton Avenue Elementary School and finally reaching my apartment building. The street light flickered as the beautiful palm trees swayed gently in the night air.

"Hey Rhyon"

I looked up from digging in my purse to see one of my neighbors, Cecily coming out of the building with her small Yorkie named Bella. She was a slightly overweight Latina woman with big green eyes and curly bouncy black hair that fell a little passed the nape of her neck.

"Hey Cecily", I said as I held my keys in my hand. "Kind of late to be walking Bella huh?"

Cecily grinned as she held the brown door open for me that led to four different apartments in the complex.

"Yeah, but I rather do it late then to wake up and she done shitted on my hardwood floors", she said in her thick Spanish accent. "How's little man?" she said with a smile, peeking over at him.

I laughed a little as I looked down at Landon who was slowly opening his eyes. My baby was only six months old. Yeah, he's a spring baby; born March 15, 1987 and that was the day I experienced true love. Holding his little body in my arms after I heard his first cries was so emotional for me. It was the best feeling in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"He's awake now", I replied as I locked eyes with my heart in human form.

His bright brown eyes looked up at me as a small grin crept upon his face. Landon cooed as he kicked furiously with happiness as he stared up at me. My heart skips a beat whenever I see my son. I fall in love repeatedly every time I see him.

Cecily waved and grabbed his little finger before we decided to say our peace and part ways. As I continued to walk in the hallway up the steps to my apartment, I heard the door close behind me as I reached the top of the steps and immediately my feet felt cemented to the marbled floors that rested beneath my ballerina black flats that I wore.

"R-Ren?" I stammered.

Ren stood there, leaned against the wall with his hat turned backwards and then locking eyes with me. He sported an Oakland Raiders Starter Jacket, Khakis and a pair of fresh black and white converses. I felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me so bad that I took a step back and blink quickly.

"How did you get in here?", I asked as a I glanced down at Landon, who was slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Rhyon" Ren started as he took a step towards me. "Someone let me in. I got ya note from my pops"

"Okay. You got my note from your dad", I stated with an attitude. "Your point?"

"Seriously?", Ren frowned at my comment. "You obviously left it for a reason."

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