19- Forgiveness

461 34 18

Women's Health Center of Las Vegas

|Las Vegas, Nevada |

 I sat down on the grey cushioned chair inside of the patient's waiting room as nervously tapped my pen against the metal clip of the brown clipboard

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I sat down on the grey cushioned chair inside of the patient's waiting room as nervously tapped my pen against the metal clip of the brown clipboard. My leg was shaking vigorously as I tried to practice deep breathing and keep myself under control.

"You okay ma'am?"

I looked up to see a young brown face woman dressed in blue and white scrubs standing before me, looking down at me with concern.

"Oh...oh yes I'm fine thank you", I stammered as I forced myself to give her a smile.

She grinned and nodded her head. "Just when you finish filling out your paperwork bring it back up front to the receptionist and we will get you seen by the physician as soon as possible okay?", she ensured as she pointed to the front of the waiting room.

I thanked her and nodded as I looked back down at my paper work. All these questions were driving me crazy; how many sexual partners do you have? Are you bi-sexual, homosexual or heterosexual, how many abortions have you had? Are you a drug addict?

"This is insane", I whispered to myself as I scanned over the thick packet of papers.

I closed my eyes as I felt my stomach start turning again. I haven't eaten anything this morning but, I find myself vomiting my life away. It gets to the point that I can't even keep apple juice down. the only thing that helps curb the nausea for a little bit was ginger ale, strawberries and bananas. I think my baby likes fruit.

Damn, I thought to myself as I ran my fingers through my hair. My baby. I...ME...have a little person growing inside of me. I never would have thought I would be sitting here with these issues. Most teens my age is stressing about their up-coming exam, why are all the study rooms in the library reserved and here I am; preparing to do one of the cruelest things to mankind.

Taking the life of an unborn child.

Scribbling quickly, I finished up my documents and walked over to the receptionist desk. I sat the clipboard down on the desk and leaned my elbows as she took the papers off and began to quickly type my name into the system.

"Rhyon Brown", she said as she looked up from the screen with her green eyes.


"Your all set. Dr. Milagros will be with you momentarily", she said with a small sweet smile on her face.

"T-Thank you...", I managed to get out forcing another fake smile before walking away and sitting down.

I was the only one sitting in the waiting room, besides this older lady and her toddler daughter who was coloring quietly at one of the children's tables in the corner of the waiting room. The TV played Bernstein bears while the television next to it showed advertisement of the clinic and the resources they had to offer.

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