7- Old Vibes

899 51 119

| Compton, CA |

"Wassup Rhy Rhy"

I smiled brightly as Ren wrapped an arm around my waist as the black bag he had in his hand slightly hit my behind.

"Dang", I dragged out as I broke our embrace, taking a step back and admiring him. "Look at you"

He wasn't the same little boy I remember when I left 5 years ago, He was much taller, more built and he has a sexy aura about him.

The type of aura from a guy who doesn't take no shit.

"Shit you talking about look at me.... look at you", Ren says to me while chuckling and taking a step back. "Your gorgeous as hell...not much changed from back then"

It was a brief silence as we stared at each other. I looked away quickly, then back at him as he licked his lips.

I felt my self-gazing a little, getting slightly memorized in his eyes.

"What you doin round here?", Ren asked me as he head nodded towards the door and leaning on it, holding it open for me.

"Thank you", I said as I walked passed him." I'm back for the summer and I may be staying"

The warm air brushed against my shoulders as the sun beamed down on top of me in the middle of Compton. I looked around; I missed it a lot here.

Oakland wasn't too bad, but it wasn't home and besides; I missed my two friends Melissa and Paris.

I'll make sure to get up with them since they don't know I'm back yet.

"For real...damn that's dope having you back in the hood like old times", Ren says as he walked beside me.

I nodded as slightly turned my head and smirked, "Just like old times, right?"

Ren glanced at me before giving a small chuckle, "Yeah.... damn Rhy", he says with a tone of disbelief.

"Why you sou... -"

"Took you long enough nigga.... oh, how you doing miss?"

I looked at the short kid sporting an all yellow outfit with Jerri curls and a kid with a matching curl who wore a white raiders Adidas t-shirt with a pair of black matching basketball shorts.

He was a little taller than the guy wearing the all yellow outfit. What the heck was he thinking when he put that on?

"Yo check it...Rhyon this is Eric and O'shea", he said as he pointed to them. "These clowns my niggas"

"How you doing?", O'shea says to me as he extended a hand.

"Well thank you", I smiled as I firmly shook his hand then drawing it back.

"How you know her?", Eric said as he raised an eyebrow and looking me up and down.

I wasn't impressed with him. Now that I'm getting a good look at him, he looks familiar and I am sure I've seen him around when I lived here of course.

"Wasn't she just smiling at me in the store nigga?", Ren laughed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I slowly looked at his arm then up at him, while he was smiling.

I admired his beautiful chocolate skin and his small smirk as my stomach started fluttering. I need to chill...seriously.

"You wasn't smiling at him...for real" Eric says as he looked me up and down. "How you know Ren?"

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