15 - 1 Mo Time

654 41 41

Third Person

A week later...

Rhyon laid down on her neatly made up bed as she grabbed her house phone, dialing Paris phone number. She has been feeling totally different ever since she allowed Ren to take her virginity.

It was almost like she enjoyed sneaking around with Ren, especially since she has the best school schedule that any senior can ask for. She doesn't have to stay late and she gets out while everyone is still at school or work.

The phone rung three times before she finally received an answer.

"Hello?", Paris answered.

There were different sounds of people talking Paris's background. Laughter, chitter-chatter and even the sound of the Television played in the background.

"Hey girl" Rhyon said into the receiver.

"Girl aint shit. Just got off the phone with Eric"

Rhyon rolled her eyes and chuckled as she shook her head.

"You still messing with him?", Rhyon questioned as she laid upside down on her bed, allowing her ends to touch the floor a little.

Paris laughed whole heartedly. "Bitch, aren't you still entertaining Ren and he got a girlfriend. So please"

"Speaking of Ren" Rhyon giggled. "I gotta tell you something so go in your room and three way Melissa"

"Oh shit. Wait...hold on" Paris excitedly said as she clicked over the phone to the other line.

Rhyon rolled her eyes a little bit before sitting up in the bed and allowing her blood to rush back through her body. She constantly thought about Ren all day and night. Yearning for his touch, his scent and the way he makes love to her.

Or so she thought that what it was.

It was a magical feeling for Rhyon, especially since Ren and she have been best friends. She always watched TV shows about scenarios like this and she is now experiencing it firsthand.

Rhyon smirked to herself, licking her lips thinking about the steamy, hot sex that she and Ren has been doing together. Her skin became flushed as the scenes flashed through her head in a split second.


Rhyon snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Melissa yelling into the phone. She was so wrapped up in her own world, she didn't realize her girls were back on the line.

"Y-Yeah", Rhyon cleared her throat as she spoke.

"What you gotta tell us babe?", Melissa questioned anxiously.

"Yeah girl. You made it seem so important what is it?" Paris chimed in.

Rhyon shook her right hand as her nerves started getting to her. she inhaled and exhaled as she crossed her legs and began to speak.

"I let Ren..."

"Let Ren what!", Paris shouted.

"Paris shut up and let her finish", Melissa giggled.

"Ren gave me some...", Rhyon whispered as she looked over her shoulder.

She didn't want her mother to possibly hear her conversation. Her and her mother haven't been conversing with each other lately since the incident of the mystery man coming out of her parent's room. Rhyon is also thinking that the nights her mom is "working late", she's out sleeping around with that man.

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