The Beginning

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It was 6:30 am when her alarm went off. There was just something unreal and eerie about Sapphire. Her face, somewhat luminous, had a pale tone to it. Her eyes were sapphire blue that anybody would be instantly mesmerised by, her eyebrows were arched over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of her dainty nose. Her lips were like a frozen red, dangerous, but beautiful. This enchanting face was framed by wavy, ebony-coloured curls falling to her hips. Overall, she was truly an unearthly beauty.

She didn't want to rise up out of her double bed with a thick warm black designed duvet at all; she'd had a late night last night, she always had trouble sleeping, especially since she had survived and witnessed a lot of horror throughout her lifetime, she was often haunted by them in her dreams.

After the every morning debate with herself whether to get up out of bed or not she finally decided to sit up and climb out of bed half an hour later. Sapphire walked to her bedroom door taking her sky blue dressing gown of a hook on the back of her door, then opened her door to emerge onto a long hallway, she stretched her arms out wide and she heard the crack of her bones clicking back into place.

She looked left down the corridor to see that her roommate's door was wide open, I wonder what I have to put up with this morning, Sapphire thought, as her roommate was a person that loved morning, she was always happy in the morning whilst Sapphire on the other hand despised mornings, she just wished she could just stay in bed all morning, but of course she couldn't since she had to attend work. Sapphire turned right, her hand glided along the bannister at the top of the stair then she turned left and tiredly walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes and picking sleep out of them as she took the last step then emerged into the living room.

The living room was a moderately large room having an exposed brick chimney breast enclosed was an authentic wood fire stove with a stack of wood by its side at the centre of the room, the flooring was of old-fashioned laminate and its walls were of the colour of a shady blue-cream. There was a forty-inch flat screen TV in the corner of the room with a couple of consoles on the TV stand and two black leather sofas, a three seater and a two seater, Sapphire often slept on those sofas after long or late shifts at work.

On one of the sofas was her roommate Grace Buckten; her eyes were a piercingly sharp shade of grey, with long skinny eyelashes the colour of midnight. Her skin was slightly lighter than ivory, with a metallic rose coloured tint to her cheeks. Her faultless champagne blonde hair fell loosely over her shoulders into skinny slack curls and her lips had the strangest curl to them. "Good morning Sapphire, did you have a good night's sleep?" Grace greeted with a huge grin. She knew how much Sapphire hated the mornings and she loved to torment her about it.

"Nothing good about this morning, and no I didn't have a good sleep," Sapphire mumbled back in a foul mood. she wished Grace would stop being so cheery in the morning, it is so annoying.

"Who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?" she replied in her tormenting way, just like she always did.

Sapphire just ignored her irritating roommate and walked through an arch in the living room and walked into the kitchen to get breakfast.

The kitchen was rectangular, with gloss white cupboards all along one side with built in double oven and microwave. On the side adjoining all the cupboards was some bench space, where the sink overlooking the garden was, and around another corner was the breakfast bar. On the other side of the breakfast bar was a seven-piece table for when Sapphire and Grace found the time to entertain. Which was rare.

Sapphire decided to have cereal as usual; she called through to the living room, "Grace, do you want anything for breakfast?"

Grace thought about that for a moment, a grin slowly emerged on her lips again then she shouted back, "I just fancy a full English breakfast please, and remember I have fried egg now not scrambled egg, also I'll have a cup of tea, don't put too much milk in this time please."

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