You Asked For It

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The car skidded, the tyres screeching their final agony, the acrid smell of burning rubber, a fateful, grinding, crash of metal and glass, as the car slammed onto its side and slid along the little straight road ahead till it stopped and fell back onto its four wheels, followed by the ominous ticking of a cooling engine. Sapphire panted and gasped for breath.

"Jackson! Was there any need for that? You saw that I was driving at some speed and you decide to frighten me to death when I'm trying to concentrate on the road." She yelled at him as she tried to control her breathing again.

"I heard you talking with the demon," Jackson simply said there were hurt and anger in his voice.

"I know you heard, I was there, remember? I untied you and laid you where you were whilst I fought some demons." Whilst she spoke she tried the engine which, after several attempts, started again and off she drove.

"Stop avoiding what I want to talk about, you said no one has seen the extent of your power. Power, not strength, what power do you have?" he questioned.

"Seriously you want to talk about this when Dominic needs to be found before he is killed?" Sapphire said, stressed to hell.

"Yes, I want to talk about this now! You are not avoiding something as important as this!" Jackson yelled.

Sapphire shouted back before thinking. "I'm a demire-wolf, alright! Try and wrap your head around that one!" As soon as she said it regrets and sorrow ran through her, she didn't want to tell him like that when she finally got round to telling him.

Stunned, Jackson stared ahead trying to wrap his head around it, Sapphire staying silent and letting him think it through. Sapphire let the tears stream down her face as she drove, Jackson muttering, "A demire-wolf?" Then he said, more loudly, "What is a demire-wolf and why didn't you tell me?"

Sapphire hesitated as she let the fear wash over her. He is my brother he wouldn't hurt me. "It's a demon, vampire and werewolf; I'm obviously human too, like a quarter of each, and I didn't tell you because you are a supernatural hunter and I didn't know how to tell you that your little sister was three of, whoever knows how many other supernatural creatures there are."

Jackson starred in even more shock. "That's impossible, you can't be all three, can you? You must be wrong! How can you be a demon? Is a demon possessing you? And how did you turn into a werewolf or a vampire? How long have you been like this?" He spat out all at once.

Sapphire, who was looking ahead at the road, glanced at her brother. "One question at a time in future. Please. Yes, it is possible that I am all three since I am all three. Err. Technically, yes, a demon is possessing me but, well, I guess you could say that I suppressed her so she is held as the prisoner, not me." Then she said, not wanting her brother to blame himself, "maybe that's enough for today, I'll tell you later plus we've got to save Dominic I just need to get a scent of him."

"Scent? And no answer to the other questions? How did you turn into a werewolf or vampire and how long have you been these creatures?" Jackson was getting overwhelmed, he started feeling dizzy and sick but he wanted to know more about what his sister was.

Sapphire hesitated then stopped the car, turning fully to look at Jackson. "You know how I turned into a vampire and werewolf, I got bitten by both, and," she looked down at her hands, "when I was younger, when you and Leo always told me to stay in the hotel whilst you two went hunting, I never stayed – I always followed you. One hunt it was vampires, it was in Barnstable, I wanted to help, I was just sick and tired of you two treating me exactly like our dad did, leaving me behind, never caring, never teaching me how to defend myself. I wanted to learn the 'family business'. I thought how can it be a family business if not all of the family members were in it? I mean mum was in it so why couldn't I have been in it? I knew you wouldn't approve of me going, so I just went alone after you. I was in the forest alone when I found them, I knew you went in the wrong direction because your footprints weren't there which meant I found them before you. I wanted to kill them just like you, Leo, mum, dad, grandma and granddad did. But I underestimated their speed and strength." As she told the rest of the story she saw what had happened through her eyes like it was happening all over again. "They had a hostage who was bleeding, at first I thought it was you or Leo but as I went around the trees to get a better look I saw that it wasn't either of you. I was so relieved. I watched them for a bit to see if there was a weakness or if there was anything I could get from them that might be of use, but as a vampire turned around looking in my direction I turned to hide behind the tree and a twig underneath my foot snapped. Suddenly one of the vampires was right in front of me. I fought like hell, trying to stab him with my stake, but he was too strong for me. He grabbed my wrist, pulling it to the side. He grabbed my head with the other hand and tilted it to the side and he bit me. It burnt like fire but when he was finished it stopped and I headed back to the hotel. At first, I was fine; I even slept threw you two coming back home, then I woke up about 4 am and I was starving, it felt like I hadn't eaten for weeks. I raided the fridge and ate but it wasn't enough, I never seemed to fill up, I was so, so hungry. Then I saw you. I walked to you. I smelt your scent and it made my mouth water, the burning running down my throat when I swallowed back my saliva. Suddenly I saw the blood run through your veins so fast it made me even more hungry, it shocked me. I mean how could anyone get so hungry? Then I knew what I was. A vampire." When Sapphire concluded her story she was trembling, tears streaming down her face.

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