Stranger Danger

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Even though his eyes looked murderous his voice was as soft as an angel's when he queried, "Are you Doctor Sapphire Humington?" Many individuals called her Doctor because her previous profession was a general doctor at Elizabeth Royal Hospital before she changed profession and went into forensics and the title stayed with her no matter her career change, plus to her it made her feel more superior.

Her mind went crazy with worry, she felt bile coming up her throat as the worry and the fear got to her, she swallowed the bile back when it got to her mouth. Her thoughts were going wild. How did he know my name? What does he want from me? Should I tell the truth? But what if it is something serious and I lied? She finally decided, "Yes, why?"

"We need to," he said, his voice still sounding sweet but suddenly having a serious tone. As soon as he spoke, Sapphire got more freaked and more scared, her thoughts still going wild. Why would he want me? All I am is a foren- wait a minute! The thought jumped out at her. He could be the killer of these people! She shook her head unknowingly as she was thinking.

No, Sapphire, you know that he couldn't have done this, you know the only thing that could have done it, but why do I keep doubting myself?

Another thought came into her mind, Because I don't want it to be true, I know if it is true, then I will have to call them...My siblings. I don't want them to come to town, do I?

A voice deep in her mind replies. You know you want to join them again, you love killing the supernatural, saving people, it's what you do; it's who you are. It runs through your veins.

Sapphire shook her head again, then all her thoughts came to a halt when she realised this man was staring at her with confusion yet curiously. She needed to try and get away from him now. She needed to think. She needed to get the truth about this murder, there hadn't been much supernatural activity in a few months but this sort of activity this far north is very bazaar.

She had to call her brothers, ask them if it was possible; even send them the photo's maybe? but how, she didn't have their number, even if she did they would have changed their number a good 15 times by now.

Sapphire pushed her thoughts aside when there was a slight pain in her wrists. She looked at her wrist to see what the cause of the pain was. A hand was wrapped around her wrist. There was a sudden urge to show him what she was capable off but she didn't want to make a scene or give this man more questions. She pulled her arm back, glaring at him.

He looked at her unfazed by her glare, "I said we need to talk. You started to back away, that is the complete opposite."

She looked at him in shock, "I...I did?" she didn't even realise that she had been moving at all. With his nod, she composed herself and replied with confidence, "What is it we need to talk about...?" She saw that he had a badge clipped to his jacket, which was a white with blue border science badge and this relaxed Sapphire a bit more as she looked at it. Why would a scientist want me? The badge read 'Dominic Freeman' in bold "...Mr. Freeman?"

He looked confused; as he frowned the creases on his forehead drew together. "How did you know my name?" Sapphire couldn't help but smirk; he had obviously forgotten that he had his badge on. She ignored the question, wanting to get away from him, there were too many feelings, auras she was getting from him. He was strong, liked to feel in control, but he seemed gentle almost caring.

"What did you want to talk about that is so urgent? Because I am very busy right now." It was true Sapphire was busy, she wasn't just trying to get away, even though she did really want to get away from this strange Mr Freeman.

"I'm sorry, but are you the person that just examined those bodies?" Dominic questioned as he pointed over at the scene.

Sapphire was stunned when he asked her that. Why does he want to know? she wondered, then she went into deep thought again, her mind was going over all of the evidence that she just collected at the scene, the bites, the scratches, the bloodshed, as she thought deeply just stared past the man as if he wasn't there.

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