Testing Friendship

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"Geez, this place is like a maze, how do you not get lost in this place, Sapphire?" Jackson asked, so confused by all of the left and right turns that he had to make to get to the morgue.

His sister turned to look at him. "You get used to it after a bit. I was like you at first, not having a clue where to go, but there are signs all over the place if you do get lost around here." Then she walked inside the morgue, after washing her hands with the hand sanitizer. Jackson watched, then frowned but did the same. Sapphire then put gloves and a plastic apron on, Jackson yet again mirroring his sister. Sapphire was already standing by the body on the examining table. She looked at Jackson. "So are you going to stand there like a lemon or come and examine him with me?"

Jackson walked over to the body. "I still can't believe you do this for a living. I mean that must make you incredibly smart, does it not?"

As Sapphire started to examine the body, she said, "It makes me smart, sure, but not incredibly smart, now please stop with the questions and pass me a scalpel."

"Yeah, sure, sorry, I'm just so proud of you and I have never really told you that," he said as he passed the scalpel to Sapphire.

"How about we do the heart to heart session when we are not in a morgue and not when I'm about to cut a dead corpse open, how does that sound?" she said as she sliced the body open from the chest down to the abdomen.

Jackson gagged from the smell. "Oh, my...That is disgusting, that smell is horrendous, how do you live with that smell?"

"I don't live with it, I may do this job for a living but I don't go home and do this sort of thing at home."

"Are you being sarcastic? I am not used to having a sarcastic sister and I really don't like it, you are way too smart to be sarcastic like me and Leo."

"Oh come on, brother, it comes way too easily, we have the same genes, we all must have something in common and the bad thing is, what we have in common is sarcasm." Sapphire chuckled. "That's actually quite understandable."

Sapphire then concentrated on her corpse, taking blood, checking bones, seeing the rib cage shattered to smithereens. "This guy was shoved quite hard, his ribs are shattered, which indicates lots of things, since as you know most supernatural creatures have strength." Sapphire looked at her blood sample. "Maybe this will give us a better indication as to what did it." She looked into her microscope, trying to get the settings right so she could see it best. She studied the sample for a long while. "Jackson, get away from the body!" she said anxiously. When she saw Jackson's startled and confused face she merely said, "He's going to change into a vampire."

"What, come again?" Jackson said loudly, his head pounding.

"You heard me, go wait in the car, if he wakes up smelling you, he will kill you," she said, upsettingly.

The man started to wake up; Sapphire looked at Jackson. "Go!" she shouted, Jackson jumping out of his skin, hurrying out of the morgue and locking it to the new vampire couldn't get out, then he walked off to the car.

Sapphire was resting on the bench as the vampire woke up. She heard it snarl before it sat up scanning its surroundings. It stopped and looked directly at her then was suddenly in front of her.

* * *

Leo sighed deeply, not understanding his brother at all. He walks back to the car that he stole and started the engine again, heading back Sapphire's house. Getting there he got out and went inside, seeing Dominic moving and waking up. "Hey, Dominic, you're alright, you are just at Sapphire's place. She'll be back soon; she has just gone to a call from work."

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