Loyalty: Werewolves and Mates.

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Jackson had been driving like a maniac to get his sister to get medical attention, he swerved to overtake slower people, nearly crashing head-on time after time, just managing to swerve back into his lane again, many driver's hands slamming on their horn before fingering him of which he just ignored.

Finally, after what seemed like hours he pulls onto a gravelled road, putting on the handbrake before turning the engine off and taking the keys out. He climbs out the car, everyone following suit. Aaron skidding to a stop in wolf form, he looks around to see where they are, before changing into human form, he opens the back door to carry Sapphire out of the car.

"Show me the way." His voice husky and breathed heavy after his long run.
Dominic was the first to move he walked over to open the hatch that leads unground. "I don't know how you are going to climb down if you hold her like that," Dominic states, worried that Aaron would drop Sapphire and make everything worse.

Leo just stood glaring at the wolf, he didn't trust him but he couldn't say that when he was holding Sapphire.

Jackson nudges Leo shaking his head, he knew what his brother was thinking just looking at him. Leo didn't get to sit around with Aaron. He knew that this wolf was good he just had to prove it to him somehow. He walks towards Aaron. "How are you going to get down there with Sapphire?"

Aaron just turns to look at him and smirks a little, "I'll see you down there." He lifts Sapphire up in a sitting position so there would be no way she would hit her head when he drops down the hole, landing with his knees bent. He looks around straightening up seeing that he was in an underground tunnel, it would have been dark if he didn't have night vision he took a step into the tunnel so the others could get down. That was when he heard Leo shouting down.

"You better not have hurt Sapphire you idiotic mutt."

Which causes Aaron to snarl with anger, that was no way to talk to a werewolf, he was about to make a snarky comment back but he hears Jackson punch him which caused him to grin.

"What the fuck was that for?" He heard Leo whine, he could smell the blood from down the tunnel.

"Everyone get down here so that Sapphire doesn't die." The Alpha in him was starting to take charge of the situation. "Dominic come down first and show me the way the brothers will catch up."
"Who put you in charge, mutt?" Leo yelled down the ladder, Dominic thought was already starting to walk down.
"Do you want another punch, Leo? Because you are asking for one." Jackson threatens before following Dominic down the ladder.
Dominic jumps skipping the last few steps. "This way, please." He states almost professionally. Though Aaron could sense the worry in his voice. There was a part of him that wondered if Dominic was Sapphire's mate, they were both very protective of each other and they are never apart.
As he thought he followed Dominic swiftly and quickly. He looked down at Sapphire every now and then, he could feel her fighting for her life. He could feel her trapped trying to get out and open her eyes. "That's it Sapphire, you just keep fighting, you are strong, I know you will make it, you always do. That goes the same for you too, Sandalio."
They turned a few corners before Dominic opened a door holding it open for everyone, "Dr Lincoln, we need your help again, Sapphire was stabbed by a...well that doesn't matter, you just have to save her."
Dr Lincoln turned around to face Aaron and he dropped the pen he was holding, "That is a wolf. I am a scientist, not a vet Dominic, what are you thinking to bring an injured wolf here if I help it, it would kill us instinctively."
"Long story short, Sapphire is a werewolf, just like Aaron is...that is the guy holding her, just help her please." There was desperation in Dominic's voice, he needed Sapphire to be ok, and everything would feel so wrong in the world if she wasn't in it.
Dr Lincoln sighs deeply at the desperation that Dominic held, "Put her on the examining table then leave the room I need to be able to concentrate without any of you hovering over me, especially since I am guessing those brothers of hers are here."
Dominic opened his mouth to protest but Dr Lincoln pointed to the door, "I won't ask again if you want me to help your friend you will leave."
"Come on Aaron we can wait in my office, Dr you know where to find me when you are finished." Dominic walks out the door sighing deeply, Leo and Jackson outside.
"There you two are we got lost, where are you going?" Jackson questions frowning deeply not understanding why they are leaving without Sapphire.

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